I slide my arms above my head, and two hands grip my hips, tugging me up. My knees dig into the mattress, while my ass is on full display. My nerves heighten in anticipation. I’ve never done this before. The fear of pain sends a faint tremor through my body.
“Relax, Fay.” He spreads my cheeks, his thumb grazing my puckered opening. “I’m not fucking you here tonight.” As much as I want to give him all of me, relief washes through me.
Theo tugs at the ribbon and slides it back and forth against my sex. “You’ve soaked my ribbon.” I gasp when his mouth presses against my slit. “So fucking wet. I want to devour you all night long.” And he does. His tongue slips through my heat, fucking me as he sucks me into his mouth.
I can’t hold it in any longer. My breath comes out in short pants. I start working my hips, pushing my ass against his mouth, needing more. I’m on the verge of exploding when he pulls away.
“Stay face down. This cunt is all mine.” I feel the bed dip as he climbs on. His hands are back to gripping my hips again. His hard cock finds my swollen cunt, and he drives inside me. With just one thrust, I start to spasm. He takes no mercy on me and powers into me, taking what belongs to him. He fucks me fast and hard. His nails dig into my flesh as his balls slap against my clit. My face slides up and down the mattress, and my nipples throb as they rub against the silk sheets. I’m powerless against him as my body submits to him.
“Naughty. . . fucking. . . girl.” He grunts out the last part. Then he pulls me up to my elbows, leans over me, and pulls off the clamps. I cry out in pure ecstasy as my body spasms with another orgasm. The intensity becomes too much. My vision fogs over, and I swear I almost pass out. Theo growls, his cock jerks, and he comes deep inside me.
“Have you ever thought about what you would do if you weren’t a hotshot CEO?”
He tugs me back against his chest, splashing water in his huge bathtub, and slides a loofah down my belly. “No.”
“Pretend you’re a kid again. Theo Monroe, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
He doesn’t answer at first, just takes his time soaping up my skin. “To be honest, I’m not sure. This has always been my life. I never sat down and thought about what my else life could be.”
Such a sad answer. But he admitted he didn’t choose this path. I rotate my body and straddle him. “Well, think about it now. No more badass investment mogul. He’s gone. Today, you get to start over. What would you do?”
He stares at me, his look of regret tugging at my heartstrings. It’s gone just as quickly, and he brings me closer, sucking a nipple into his mouth. “I’m serious.”
“What, is my birthday party over?”
I laugh and slide my arms around his neck. “Not even close. I’m just curious. I want to know more about you. Your passions. Dreams. Where you see yourself in five years.”
His chest rumbles against mine. “This is sounding more like an interview.”
“Answer the question, Mr. Monroe.” His teeth capture my nipple. “Theo—”
“You first. Where would you be if you weren’t here with me?”
“Not as satisfied, that’s for sure.” His laughter vibrates against my breast.
“Well, we don’t want that.”
“But the real answer? In some kind of chef position, working my way up to executive chef or something. And maybe one day own my own restaurant. I know that’s a pipe dream and not something that happens overnight or even in a lifetime for some. But I want to be somewhere I can use my talents. Cooking is my happy place. I’m not good at most things, but I’m good at that. You can crunch numbers and take on scary business tycoons. I just want to cook a mean truffle risotto.”
“Then why aren’t you?”
“I told you. Because I tried to kill people with mushroom oil, cost a restaurant a Michelin star, and got myself blacklisted from the restaurant world.”
“So, fight back.”
“Yeah, okay. I’m pretty sure my picture is in all kitchens with a ‘do not hire’ warning.”
“I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. You have this fight in you that not many people have. It’s one of the things I admire about you. And I’ve dealt with ruthless businessmen over the years. Some would cut off the legs of their own flesh and blood to get ahead.”
“Geez, that’s not morbid or anything.”
“I’m just saying that they fight dirty. You should, too. Don’t let anyone stop you from what you want. No one is holding you back but yourself.”
“So, what you’re saying is quit working for you and—”
“Okay, forget anything I said. You’re never quitting.” He leans in, taking my mouth. His lips are magical, and I hate when I need air and have to pull away. I gaze into his eyes, and my heart does this little flip that it’s been doing a lot lately.
“I love you.” The words fall off my tongue. We said them the other night at the bar, but that’s all. The feelings that race through me are unfamiliar. Beautiful. Scary as hell. Theo has woken a part of me I never knew existed. To love someone like this. . . it almost hurts. And not knowing what we are to each other is unsettling.