Page 73 of Power

“If you were smart, you would quit. It’s not safe for you.”

I let out a sarcastic laugh. Finding my shoes by the couch, I slide them on. “How would you know? Oh, wait, you don’t since you wouldn’t be caught dead in a dirt hole of a place like that.” I find my purse and grab my phone.

“Fay, you’re being childish.”

“Well, good thing we’re only a bedroom and office fling, and you’ll never have to step out in public with achild.”

“Jesus, give me a break.”

“Enjoy your weekend.” I open his door and take off.

“Fay, come back here. Fay!” I don’t stop until I’m in the safety of the elevator. My heart hammers against my chest, and I struggle to catch my breath while I fight back the tears.

I knew what I was getting myself into. But as time has gone on, I thought something would change. And that’s where I went wrong. He never planned on anything changing. What started as a secret fling has turned into something more. I know he can feel it. It’s impossible not to. This pull between us is so strong it’s scary.

It’s my fault. I let my emotions get involved and allowed myself to fall for a man who wasn’t available, emotionally or physically. And he never claimed to be. But why? The only conclusion I can come to is I’m not worth it.

I wipe away a tear and exit his building. I walk a few blocks to calm down before getting an Uber to work. The problem is, even the cold walk and time to process don’t help, and when I open the door to the bar, I break down the second I see Mindy.

“Damn girl, who stole your sunshine?” She gathers me into her arms, and like the child I apparently am, I ball my eyes out. “Hey, it’s okay. Did someone die? Your parents okay?”

“Yeah. It’s not that.”

“Uh oh. Is it a guy? Only other reason a woman ugly cries is because of a guy.” I pull away, feeling embarrassed about my outburst.

“So,thatwas pathetic.” I wipe my nose.

“Nah. We all have those kinds of cries. Do I need to put someone on my hit list?”

I stifle out a sad laugh, shaking my head. “No.”

“You sure? To be honest, I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone.”

I wipe under my eyes to prevent my mascara from smearing any further. “I’m not. That’s the thing. My boss—”

“Wait, yourassholeboss made you this upset? He’s going on my list for sure. I thought this was a lover’s spat—wait. . . No, Fay—”

“It’s not like that—”

“Holy shit, you didn’t flat-out deny that—Fay! You’re sleeping with your asshole boss!” She cocks her head to Leroy, the barback, and yells. “Leroy, cover the bar! We need a minute.” Then she drags me to the back room. “Girl, I want all the details.”

I huff and fall into the chair. “It’s complicated.”

“Oh, I bet it is. Hurry up, though. You know Leroy sucks at making drinks.”

I sigh and spill the beans, starting with our first office escapade. By the time I finish, Mindy is putting out her second cigarette. “Well? Are you going to say something?”

“Honestly, that was the hottest story I’ve ever heard.”


“What? Seriously, I work in porn and can’t fake that much heat. You two. Wow.”

“It doesn’t matter howwowwe are. He doesn’t want more thanjustthe wow.”

“It doesn’t sound like he said he didn’t.”

“But he didn’t say he did. It’s enough for me to connect the dots.” Mindy looks at me with her sad, puppy dog eyes. “It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m probably just getting my period or something. Since when do I get attached to something?”