“I don’t give a fuck. She was seconds away from getting fired.” I snake my arm around her, pulling her to me to claim her mouth. “Now, why don’t you be a good little assistant and take off this skirt?”
Fuck, I can’t catch my breath. “You okay?” The cutest giggle falls off her swollen lips.
“Yeah, but I don’t think your towel rack is.”
A rumble travels up my throat. “All worth it. I’ll have maintenance come fix it.” I love how flushed her cheeks are. I got a little carried away, and Fay had to hold on to the towel rack so I didn’t ram her into the mirror. God, she’s perfect. And mine. She’s going to be mine. “Think anyone would notice if I carried you out of here and back to my place? Spent the day in my bed?”
Her soft giggle tickles against my lips. “Not a single soul. We should try it.” I spank her ass. “Just kidding. Theresa would probably have my pink slip waiting for me before we made it to the exit.”
“No one gets to fire my hard-working assistant but me. And I have no plans on doing that anytime soon.” I kiss her hard. When I pull away, her eyes are half closed.
“Speaking of, how did your morning meeting go? And why was it blocked out in your agenda as private? Is it anything to do with those land surveys?”
“Because it was meant for only me. Let me help you.” I kneel to the ground and slide her skirt up her thighs. Never one to miss a chance to taste her, I run my tongue up her bare thigh.
Once it’s secured, I stand. “There. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, we need to get back to work.”
She smacks my chest. “Bossy. You know, you make a better lover than a boss.”
“A lover, huh?”
Her cheeks instantly flush. “I mean, whatever you are, we are, this—”
I tug her against my chest, loving the quick breath she expels. “Well then, I assume you’remylover, as you call us?”
She scrunches her nose. “God, that sounded so lame. What are we, two starstruck lovers out of a romance book?” Her sudden shyness has me hard all over again.
“Well,lover, I want you in my bed again tonight. So, if you have plans, cancel them.”
She pretends to think about it. “I’ll have to reschedule some things. Other lovers.”
I growl and bend down, taking her bottom lip between my teeth. “There better not be anyone else.”
“There’s not,” she whispers, easing my sudden jealousy. “But fair is fair. Since there isn’t anyone onmyend, can I assume there’s no one onyourend?” Her eyes shine up at me, waiting for an answer.
I suck her lip into my mouth. “The word you’re looking for is ‘exclusive.’ And yes.” I release her and give her a quick kiss. If she stays in my arms too much longer, I’m going to undress her and fuck her all over again.
“With that being said, off to work I go. My boss is kind of a taskmaster.”
I let her go and step back. That sexy as fuck smirk is going to be the end of me. Or her. I need to move up my plan because I won’t go back to a world without her in it.
Chapter nineteen
TheoMonroeisaforce of nature. He’s demanding and hot-headed. His dominance is lethal, and he will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. I can’t stop smiling, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the nonstop, explosive orgasms he’s giving me or getting to cook again. Being in his state-of-the-art kitchen reminds me of how much I miss cooking. The thrill of creating delicious art. The fullness my heart felt at being in my true element.
It also reminds me that this assistant job isn’t my true passion. As much as I love the thrill of all things Theo Monroe, I need to get back on track. Keep fighting for what I want. I have a gift. I know I’m good; I just need someone to believe in me and let me back in the game.
Maybe I need to expand my online search. Change up my keywords. I type in a job search site I’ve used before, but the link goes to the MIC company page. I re-enter the website. “What the heck?” I hate technology. I try another site, but the same thing happens. “Come on, you stupid internet.” Everything I type in defaults back to MIC’s website. “Screw it.” I give up and sit back in my chair.
Looking at the time, I realize that Theo should be back soon. Another private meeting. Quite a few have been added. Is it pathetic to say that he's only been gone a few hours and I miss him? I chuckle under my breath. I never imagined missing my grumpy, asshole, attentive boss. My cheeks blaze with embarrassment from earlier.Lovers? Really, Fay?Could I have said anything cornier?No.Shut up, self.
Somebody clears their throat, and I look up to see Theresa standing in front of my desk. Great.
“Theresa, what brings you over to these parts?”
“To chase after you, which I knew I’d have to do.”