“Fay, wait. You don’t understand.”
“No, Theo, I do. That’s the problem.”
“My life is very complicated right now. If anyone knew—”
“You mean if yourgirlfriendknew.”
His fingers clench around his desk. “I amnotdating anyone. And that’s all I can say about that. Listen, I’m laying it on the table. I want you. Bad. And I think you want me too. Yes, this can’t be a publicly known thing. For starters, you’re my assistant. It’s quite frowned upon. I’m asking you to trust me. So, you’re correct. You would be a secret. But it’s the only way this can work out if you’re interested. If not, I’ll never mention it again.” I can’t do anything but stare at him. “Are you denying the attraction between us?”
Dammit, I can’t. He’s right. I want him. I’m just hoping it doesn’t come at a cost I can’t pay. “Fine. You win.”
“I win?”
“Yep. You win me. And, of course, my silence.”
He assesses my response, waiting for me to take it back. When I don’t, he nods. “Good. If you have plans tonight, cancel them. You’ll be with me.”
“Oh, are we working late?”
“No, you’ll be in my bed. If there’s nothing else, my home address will be in your inbox. I’ll take the notes from yesterday’s meeting. Amy should have them. And another cup of coffee.”
Dismissed, I roll my eyes and walk away.
“Oh, and Fay?” I turn to him. “You look absolutely breathtaking this morning. If I make it through the day without dragging you into my bathroom and fucking you over the counter, it will be a miracle.”
My mouth drops.
“Don’t forget the coffee.”
Asshole. Hot,hotasshole. “Sure thing, Mr. Monroe.” I fight the smile at his compliment and put an extra sway into my hips as I walk out of his office.
Theo has me cancel all his meetings and stays locked in his office on private calls. I spend most of the day proofing land surveys from five years ago to the most recent, the Geller project. I’ve found seven more altered reports all with the same discrepancy. I’m not sure what it means, but I assume it’s not good.
When it finally hits five o’clock, I shut down my computer and gather my things. Theo walks out, wearing his suit coat and carrying his work tote. “Have a nice evening, Miss Evans,” he teases and continues toward the exit.
“That’s to be determined,” I say to his back.
I scramble to catch the next elevator and race home. I go through my closet in a panic. What the heck does someone wear when they’re about to be eaten alive by their sexy beast of a boss? Casual but comfortable it is.
Have a nice evening, Miss Evans.I can’t stop hearing his voice. There was both a challenge and a promise in that sentence. He’s going to ruin me in the most glorious way. And if tonight is anything like our hotel stay, I’m in big trouble.
I shouldn’t be this nervous. It’s not our first time, but it’s different. The stakes feel higher, too. He’s inviting me into his home. It’s more. . . personal. And I’m not sure how to wrap my head around that.
“Take it moment by moment,” I coach myself. But the last thing I want to do is getlostin the moment or want more than he’s willing to offer. But the more our connection develops, the more I start to feel. Imagine. Is it entirely out of the question to see us as more than secret lovers? Jesus, that sounds like something from one of my mom’s romance books. Secret fuck buddies. That sounds more current day.
The Uber ride is long and stressful. I think of all those inappropriate things he wants to do to me, and by the time I’m about to knock on his door, I have an entire scene playing out in my head where he drags me into some dungeon playroom and chains me to a bed to test out all these—
“Are you planning on standing outside my door all evening?”
His voice snaps me out of my possibly real-lifeFifty Shadesfantasy, and I look at him. He’s dressed casually in jeans and a fitted gray shirt, looking even more attractive if possible. “What? No. I was making sure this was the right door.”
Theo leans out and looks down the hall. “The last time I checked, there was only one door on the penthouse floor.”
Oh, shut up.“Are you going to invite me in?”
His lips curl into a smug smile. “Of course.” He steps to the right, and I walk inside, getting my first glance at his place. It’s a lot cozier than I’d imagined. Bright abstract portraits cover his walls, and his furniture is modern yet homely. And his kitchen—
“Holy mother of kitchens.” I walk over to his ginormous island. “I think I just orgasmed looking at your appliances.” My mouth hangs open while I survey his immaculate chef’s kitchen. “I didn’t know you liked to cook,” I say, shocked. Floor-to-ceiling shelves are loaded with stainless-steel appliances that put half of the cooking shows I watch to shame.