Page 57 of Power

I can’t help it. I reach out and cup her cheek. “How areyoudoing?”

Her shoulders lift. She suddenly looks tired. “Fine. You didn’t have to stay. I know you have meetings—”

“Fuck my meetings. What do you need?” She looks up at me. Her gaze grabs at my heart. She nestles into my palm, and my chest tightens. I want to scoop her into my arms and guard her against the world and anything that brings her sadness.

“Honestly, I’m fine. But if you don’t mind, I’m going to stay with my mom for a couple of days. In case she needs me or anything.”

“Take as much time as you need.”

There’s a beat of silence before she speaks again. “Are you sure? I know you have—”

I don’t know what comes over me, but I slide my hand to the back of her neck and kiss her. My lips are gentle as they press to hers. Her soft, pillowy lips remind me of our first stolen kiss in my office. The benefit dinner. Fuck, I’ve opened myself up to this new world with her, and there’s no way I’m ever walking away. I won’t go back to the life I was living before her. A collection of lies and deceit.

Having her in my arms and just getting a small taste of her isn’t enough. I wasn’t strong enough five years ago with Claire, but I won’t make the same mistakes again. My father may have the power to destroy me, but with this new information, I realize he doesn’t hold all the cards. And the ones I do hold give me the power to fight back.

I pull away to her dazed eyes. “Just don’t take too long. You’re the only one who knows how to make my coffee how I like it.” I want to tell her I can’t fathom being away from her. Be selfish and force her back with me right now. But I hold my tongue.

“I won’t.” Her somber tone is my demise. I drop my hand and step back before I decide to never let her go.

“If you need anything, call me.” She nods, and I walk away, knowing I need to keep my head on right. I grab my phone and call my contact back. “That meeting needs to happen today. Be at my office within the hour.”

I know there’s no more trying to deny her. Now, I need to figure out how to fully have her without ruining her.

Chapter sixteen


“Idon’tcare.Makeit go away.”

“Alfred, it’s not that simple. There’s a paper trail. Documents. Things that will eventually lead to us—”

“Then get rid of it—”

“Get rid of what?” I enter my father’s study, interrupting a heated conversation between him and Charles.

“This is none of your concern, Theo,” Father snaps at me. “Where is the Williams contract?”

“Waiting on signatures. Couriered the contract this afternoon. And I have the right to know if something is happening with the company. Is this because of the audits?”

My father slams his fists against his desk. “Are you deaf? This doesn’t concern you. Focus on the tasks you were given.”

“It does concern me if it’s about MIC. That’s my future. If there’s an issue, I should know about it.”

“And if you want any of that future to be possible, you will mind your own goddamn business.”

“Evening, Jeffries. Is my father in?” I pass Clifford Jefferies, the Monroe family lawyer, as I walk through the foyer of my father’s estate.

“He is. I just left him in the study.”

“Thanks.” I’m curious why he’s meeting with my father this late, but I guess I’m about to find out. When I enter his study, he’s on a call; from the looks of it, it’s not a good one.

“Just push it through.” He hangs up. “What’s this nonsense I hear about you voiding the Geller and Geller deal?”

“It’s exactly how it sounds.”

“Do you know what a headache you’ve caused me today? I’ve spent the last hour on the phone with lawyers holding Bill Geller to his contract.”

“Well, then retract it. It’s done.” I toss the land report on his desk.