Page 55 of Power

“Will pass inspection. To make sure this doesn’t happen again, I’m going to give you a name of a land survey company unaffiliated with MIC. They should be able to run the survey and give you the green light to start construction. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for this grievous error. But I hope this allows you to follow through with your vision. It’s a great plot of land.”

“But… what about the contract? I already signed—”

“I’ll have Legal void it.”

“Theo. . . I. . . I don’t even know what to say.”

The knock on my door interrupts us. Fay pops her head in. “Lunch is here.” I wave her in, and she walks in carrying two large bags of food. I can’t help but stare. It’s impossible not to. She looks absolutely breathtaking. And there’s a new glow to her. Like she had the best sex of her life. And strangely, I find myself smiling, thinking the same thing.

“Enjoy, gentlemen. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.” She smiles and looks my way, and damn, that smile is going to be the death of me.

Amy appears in the doorway and sticks her head in. “I’m so sorry to interrupt. Fay, can I speak to you real quick?”

“Amy, we’re in the middle—”

“I know, I’m so sorry, but it’s important. Your—”

“And I said we’re in the middle—”

“Your mom is trying to reach you. She called the main line. Your dad had a heart attack.”

My eyes snap to Fay. She looks back at Amy, her smile in place as if she heard her wrong. When the words start to register, it falls, along with the empty bags in her hand. “He. . . what?”

“Your mom’s on the phone. She’s at Bennett General Hospital.”

She shakes her head and steps into gear. “Oh, um. . . sorry. Excuse me.” She rushes out.

“Bill, we’ll need to reschedule.”

“Of course, I know the importance of family.”

I storm out and find Fay at the receptionist’s desk, tears streaming down her face.

“What’s going on?” I demand. Amy shrugs while Fay nods and ends the call.

“I’m sorry. I need to go.”

“I’ll take you.” I ignore Amy’s shocked expression. “Cancel my afternoon.” Fay is too distraught to notice and nods, allowing me to guide her to the elevators. I shoot off a text to James to meet us out front. When we pull up to the emergency entrance at the hospital, she barely allows the vehicle to stop before she rushes out.

“Stay close,” I tell James, following Fay inside.

“Hi—my dad was brought in. He had a heart attack.”

“Last name?”


“Evans.” I step in, grabbing her hand.

“Thank you.” Her voice trembles, and I hate it.

The nurse gives us his room number, and I guide her down the hall. When we make it to her father’s room, she stalls. I dip my head. “It’s going to be okay.”

She takes in a shaky breath and nods.

We walk into the room. Her mother is sitting in a chair next to the bed, and her father is alert, slapping away his wife’s hand as she fusses with his blanket.
