I take one last look in the mirror, but I feel like I’m looking at a stranger. Sheishot, though. I stifle another laugh and grab my small clutch. Carefully walking out of my room so I don’t topple over in these heels, I answer the door. Theo is standing on the other side, his hands in his pockets, looking too good for my sanity. His gaze travels over my body like a caress. When his eyes lock with mine, I notice his lips are firmly pressed together, and his brow is furrowed.
“You look mad. Do you not like it?”
He inhales a slow breath. “It’s exactly what I described.”
Heat rushes along my cheeks. “Well, you hit the mark with the whole fairy godmother thing. Dressing me up in fancy silk. I definitely feel like a princess. I even shaved.” And why did I admit that? “Just my legs—I mean. . . well, I actually shaved everywhere.”Shut up, Fay.“Nice tux. Armani?”
He nods, his lips curling into a smirk. “You look stunning. Shall we? Do you have everything you need?”
I wave my little purse. “Yep.”
We make our way down the stairs, and I’m extra careful not to trip over my dress and tumble down. When we exit my building, a shiny black town car awaits. A driver walks around the vehicle to open the door.
“James,” Theo says, and James nods and steps aside. The length of my dress is challenging, so I pull it higher than I probably need to climb in.
“Jesus,” Theo mumbles behind me.
“I know, sorry, but it’s so constricting. I can’t get in any other way. . .” I lift my dress higher up my thighs and plop down on the seat. “There. . . all good.” Theo waits until I’m seated, shakes his head, and slides into his seat as James closes the door. “You made that look easy.”
He turns to me. “You made it hard.” His eyes skim down my dress, and I follow, realizing my legs are exposed. The temperature in the car feels like it went up a hundred degrees. For someone who made it clear nothing would happen between us, he sure looks like he’s fighting the urge to tear my clothes off and eat me alive. His phone rings, and he pulls his eyes away to take the call. I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
“Re-evaluate everything. I don’t care. Then rerun it. Keep this between us—and email me the files when it’s done.” He hangs up, his eyes strained out the window.
“Everything okay?” I ask.
“Just business.”
He stays lost in his thoughts for the remainder of the drive. I pull my phone out and shoot Mindy a text.
Me: You’re never going to guess the day I’ve had. Or where I’m headed.
I really could use some Mindy advice right now. She doesn’t reply, so I spend the remainder of the drive swiping through social media.
When we arrive, I stuff my phone back into my purse. James opens Theo’s door, and he climbs out, turning back to offer me his hand. This time, I’m more ladylike and scoot to the edge, modestly lifting my dress to avoid too much of a peep show. Without releasing my hand, he escorts us down the carpet, nodding and offering simple hellos. My nerves kick in. My smile feels strained as the first flash blinds me. I work to soften it and pretend like I know what the heck I’m doing.
When we enter the hotel, a server greets us with champagne. “So, what’s the plan for the evening? Do I hang on your shoulder and look pretty, or do I get to talk shop with the big dawgs?”
Theo takes a sip of his champagne. “You get to keep me company and hope we don’t die of boredom.”
“Wait, there’s a chance we’re gonna die tonight? I didn’t sign up for that.”
Theo’s lips form into the most beautiful smile, and he laughs. “It was a joke. You can relax.”
A single brow raises at the unfamiliar action. It’s not a full-blown laugh. It may have just been a cough. Or my imagination. I stop walking to face him. “Wait a minute. You just made a joke?”
“That I did.”
“And you’re doing something strange. What is that?” I wave my finger at his curled lips.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“There, you just did it again. Theo Monroe, are you. . . smiling?”
He tucks a hand in his pocket and wiggles his brows. “I’m not sure, am I?”
“I’m not sure either. I’ve never seen you do it. And I swear you just. . . laughed.”
“Now,thatdidn’t happen.” Amusement shimmers in his eyes. He totally laughed. “If you’re done making up things, let’s head into the ballroom.” He doesn’t wait for my reply and cups my elbow to guide me. Together, we walk inside the ginormous ballroom. My mouth drops at how stunning it is. The entire room is decorated in white and silver with accents of pale blue. An array of crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, reflecting tiny sparkles throughout the room.