Page 106 of Power

“You drive a hard bargain.”

“But. . .”

“But now is not the time to let my guard down. And if I stayed in bed with you, I would never come up for air.”

She sighs. “All work and no play.”

She starts to pull away, but I tuck her into my arms. “But I have the rest of the day and night, and I’m famished.” I pick her up, loving her little giggle, and carry her to my bedroom.

Chapter twenty-nine


Irollover,andmy hand hits the empty spot on the mattress. Theo’s standing by his dresser, staring into space. “Everything okay?”

He turns and gazes down at me. “Sure, why wouldn’t it be?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because you found out your dad set you up, is cheating half his clients, and your career is now on the line. Ormaybeit’s because you distracted me and made me burn dinner last night and you’re probably starving.”

He walks over and leans down, kissing my lips quickly. “I’m fine. Just waiting for a call from Craig. Thought I would have heard from him by now.”

“Did something happen you’re not telling me?”

“No, nothing’s happened. I’m just ready for this to be over.”

I lift up on my knees and wrap my arms around his neck. “You seem worried. Talk to me.”

His eyes tell me one thing, but his words say another. “I just hate leaving you. I’m not used to not having you at my side all day.”

“I told you to stay home. I can put some spice into your agenda. Make it worth your while.”

He offers me a quick kiss. “I changed my mind. Come to work with me. That will solve my problem. We can order lunch, and I can fuck you all over my office.”

I put a finger to my lips, pretending to think about it. “Yeah, that’s a hard no. Only wearing a big ol’ neon sign that says ‘Boss’s Mistress’ would make it more obvious that we’re sleeping together.”

He tugs me closer. “You’re not my mistress.” He leans down and sucks in my bottom lip. “You’re far more.”

I roll my eyes. “As romantic as that is, I’m fine not going public right now. And I know I made a fuss about being your little secret, but it’s just… I’d prefer not to give everyone the satisfaction of the whole ‘I told you so’ kinda thing.”

He grabs my waist, pulling me against him. “I don’t give a fuck what people think. It’s my company. I’ll flaunt you around wherever and whenever.”

I smile. “Does that mean we can make out in front of Julie? No, Theresa! Let’s have sex on her desk!” I finally get a smile out of him. “Please? Or we can do it on the copy machine and send her copies of my ass. Man, she would go ape shit.”

He brushes his lips against mine. “As fun as that sounds, I don’t need a lawsuit on my hands right now.”

I fake pout. “Boo. You’re no fun. If you change your mind, you know where I’ll be. Frolicking naked around your fancy place, thinking about all the things I want you to do to me.”

His grip on my waist tightens, and I feel his cock harden through his slacks. His palm skates up my side, and he pulls my head back. “Watch it,Fable. You should know by now it’s wrong to taunt a man like me. I won’t be gentle when I finally get to have you.” A shiver of desire shoots down my spine, tickling my toes. God, the things I’d do just to get him to stay. “Have I rendered my little minx silent?”

I sigh. “Nah, just thinking about what to cook today. I normally get so messy. I may just skip getting dressed so I can save my clothes.”

He bites down on my bottom lip. “I expect frequent updates. Bonus if you send photos.”

“So bossy.”

“You have no idea.” He spanks my ass and releases me. “Behave while I’m gone. I’ll get back as soon as I can.” He walks out of the room, and my fake pout morphs into a genuine sulk. I fall back on the bed, exhaling a disappointing breath. Cocking my head to the left, I shamelessly smell his pillow. My heart does a little flip, and I snuggle into Theo’s bedsheet. Never in a million years did I think when I agreed to a fling with my boss that I would end up here.

“This is crazy,” I sing and fall onto my back. There’s so much to take in. How does this change us? Our lives? We come from two different worlds, but in a way, we balance each other out. The question is, where do we go from here? My smile slips at what he’ll be forced to do if his father doesn’t concede. How could he have carried the weight of his father’s demands for so long? On the outside, Theo came across like a confident powerhouse. Nothing fazed him or got in his way. Little did I know he was harboring a secret that was dragging him down.