Page 84 of Power

“Theo is engaged.”

I sway, and Mr. Monroe reaches out to steady me, but I step back.

“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you. Theo isn’t very forthcoming all the time. But it’s best you know before things go any further and you get hurt.”

“He’s. . . engaged.” The words feel sour in my mouth.

“As of last night. He proposed at dinner. It was a beautiful evening.”

I suck in a tight breath, fighting back the tears just waiting in the wings. I refuse to give this man the reaction he’s looking for. “I’m sure it was.”

“So, you see, it’s best you forget whatever this was between you. You aren’t the first girl he’s toyed around with, but you will be the last.”

“Oh, wow. A modern-day hero. Thanks for the info. I’ll make sure to congratulate the happy couple next time I see them.” My nails dig into my palms, and I’m holding onto my last thread of sanity. “If there’s nothing else. . .”

“Of course. Enjoy your day, Miss Evans.”

I walk away without another glance and run up to my apartment. The moment my door closes, I slide down to the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. I bury my head in my knees and scream until my throat burns.

Howcouldhe? I hug my legs and rock back and forth. My fists clench, and I bang them against the floor. How could he fucking do this? I’m spiraling so fast that I don’t hear when someone enters my apartment. Two hands grab me to my feet, and I snap out of my hysteria.

“Jesus, Fay, what’s wrong?” I look up at Theo, his face contorted in concern. Hiccupping a staggered breath, I push his hands off me. “What happened? Are you okay?”

“Am—amIokay?” My world is spinning. I stumble back, trying to move away. He grabs for me, and I yank myself out of his reach. “Don’t you dare touch me.”

He pulls back, and I suck in a breath, choking on my emotions. I can barely look at him without wanting to fall apart. I shake my head and close my eyes. When I open them, I force myself to look at him. “Wanna know something crazy?” I wipe at my cheeks and shake my head again, swallowing back the emotion in my throat. “You’re the first person I’ve ever told I loved them.” I laugh, but it comes out painfully sad. “Twenty-three years old, and I’ve never loved someone. Until you.” I gaze at him through my tears. “Pretty messed up, right?”


“I honestly don’t know what about you changed that. I have a weakness for you. I let myself fall for you.”

“Fay. . .”

He reaches for me, but I back away. “And the most pathetic thing? I believed you when you said it back.” Another strangled hiccup takes my breath. “I was okay being your little secret. I hated it, but I was okay if that was the only way I got you. But somewhere during this fucked up situation, I fell in love with you. I thought. . . I actually thought you felt the same.”

My anger spikes. “There was always this pit in my stomach, though. I tried to ignore it. I fooled myself into pretending I didn’t have this feeling telling me this was too good to be true. I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And even then I knew. Iknewthis was too good to be true. But you told me to trust you.”

“And I’m still asking you to—”

I throw my hands out and shove him. “Fuck. You! Inevershould havetrusted you. That was my first mistake. I never should have let my guard down with you.” I can barely see through my tears. I go to shove him again, but he grabs my wrists.

“I never promised you more than what I was able to give.”

I pull out of his grip. “You’re right. You didn’t. And shame on me for hoping. To be naïve enough to think you actuallymeantthe things you said. That you loved me back.”

“Jesus, I do love—”

“Stop! Just stop with the lies, the hiding. Stop making me look like a fool.”

My chest heaves. I cover my face, shaking my head and inhaling a sharp breath. “All those private meetings. . . God, it was right under my nose.”

“Those meetings—”

“Are none of my business. You were certainly clear about that. Now I know why.”

“What are you talking about?”

I wipe under my nose. “Your father came to see me.”