Page 71 of Power

“Don’t even bother asking for squeezed juice. I’d have to old-school squeeze it. I’d also have to have fruit—”

“Just kiss me.” He pulls me into his chest, and his head bends down. My eyes close when his lips brush mine. “All I want is you. These lips. Every snarky little thing that comes out of them.” His tongue glides along my lower lip, which he sucks into his mouth. “I just want you.” His hands cup my ass, and he lifts me. He kisses me with a message I’m trying to decipher. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen our connection. “I hate that my life is so confusing. But I’m going to make it right.”

I don’t know where all this is coming from or what’s brought it on, but I’m not complaining. He lays me on the bed and moves next to me, not initiating anything more.

“Hey,” I say, threading my fingers through his hair. “Everything okay? Not that I mind this sweetness.”

He doesn’t answer at first, so I cup his cheek and guide his eyes to meet mine. “I know you’re the big bad wolf, and no one can touch you, but you can talk to me. If something was wrong.”

He lifts his hand and grazes his fingers along my chin. “I’m just tired. I have been for a very long time. And I don’t want to be anymore.”

“You could have called. I would have understood. You didn’t have to come all the—”

“This is the only place I want to be. You. . .” He breathes in and out slowly. “You’re the only way I can fall asleep. You make it all go away.” He doesn’t say more because, with his next breath, that’s exactly what he does.

Chapter twenty-one


Isighintomysteaming mug, taking a long, much-needed sip of coffee. Not even this second cup has revived me from the poor night’s sleep I got. The machine beeps, and I shove another stack of papers into the shredder.

When I finish, I head back to my desk just as Theo returns from another private meeting. He’s missing his tie and looks tired.

“Hey.” I smile and stand as he walks into his office. “Everything okay?” As much as I wanted to shake him awake and ask him what he meant last night, I let him sleep. I took off his shoes, maneuvered him under my covers, and listened to his deep breathing while my mind ran through so many scenarios. What did he mean when he said his life was confusing? That he was tired and needed me to make it all go away?

He woke up this morning as if last night never happened, kissing me and telling me he would be late to the office because of a meeting. One that was still none of my business.

“Yeah, just a long meeting,” he says as I follow him into his office. He’s been consumed with these private meetings. Not to mention he shuts down every time I bring them up. “These private meetings sure seem to wear you out.”

“As I said, they’re long,” he snaps. He scrubs his palms down his face. “Sorry. I have a lot on my plate.”

“Then let me help—”

He throws a hand out, silently telling me to stop. “Let it go, okay? Listen.” He comes up to me and cups my face. “You’re doing more than you know. You, here in front of me? That’s what I need.” He brushes his lips over mine.

“That’s not doing much, though.”

“It’s doing way more than I know how to show you. I’m sorry I was a dick just now. Let me make it up to you tonight.”

“I can’t. I have to work.”

“Come over before. I promise to make it worth your while.”

I pretend like I have to think about it. “Fine. I can probably squeeze you in.”

He gives me a quick kiss and steps back as Julie knocks on his door. “Julie, what can I do for you?”

Julie blushes, and I roll my eyes.Give me a break.

“Theo, we have your birthday event to discuss. I wanted to go over the final budget. It’s on your calendar.” Julie looks at me, her smile tight.

“Oh, was that today? It may have accidentally been canceled for another meeting.” Or I deleted it because I’m immature. And since when is she on a first-name basis with him?

Theo looks at the time. “It’s fine. I have a few minutes.” Julie smirks at me, her upper lip shifting into a snarl as Theo turns away.

“Great. Oh, and Fay, if you don’t mind, this is a private meeting.” That skanky little witch.

Slapping on an even bigger smile, I stand straighter. “Of course.” I turn to Theo. “T, we’ll finish later.” Julie’s brows raise as Theo gives me an amused look. Yeah, I made up a nickname to one-up Julie. Grow up, Fay.