Page 27 of Power

Another groan. “Sounds as ratchet as being married with babies.”

“Well, my other option is to stand my ground. I swear, some of the things he says and does. . . it’s like he’s testing me.”

“How so?”

Shrugging, I say, “I don’t know. It’s how I catch him looking at me. It sounds silly, and I shouldn’t even be saying this. He has a girlfriend. Who is a complete knockout, by the way.”

Mindy nudges me. “Dude, so are you.”

“Thanks, but we don’t have to go there on this one. It’s. . . I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.”

“Okay, start with how he looks at you.”

“God. . .” I sigh, imagining those eyes, dark and hungry. “Like he wants to eat me alive.” I cover my eyes and chug my champagne. “How insane does that sound?”

Mindy shrugs. “Sounds pretty normal to me.”

I scoff. “Not when you’re a sexy, high-profile CEO of a company, not to mention completely unattainable. I’m an idiot and got wrapped up in the little signs. It shows how much I know about relationships. I don’t even know how to flirt, for Christ’s sake.”

She returns my scoff and waves her hand in my face. “Oh, give me a break. I’ve seen your tips at the end of the night. You know how to flirt.”

“Schmoozing customers is a little different than schmoozing the guy you’re interested in—”

“Oh, so now you’re interested?”

“No. There’s just something there I don’t know how to explain. I almost wish it would go away. He really is a massive jerk.”

“Hmmm. . .” Mindy sips her champagne.

“What?” It’s never a good thing when she starts hmmm-ing.

“Nothing. I just think maybe. . .”

She takes too long to reply. “Maybe what? Spit it out.”

“That you like him. And maybe he likes you too.”

“Yeah,okay.” I can’t help but roll my eyes at that.

Her smile becomes gentle, and she pats my thigh. “Babe, attraction is attraction.”

“He isnotattracted to me. And there’s a difference between thinking he’s hot and liking him. And, again, I need this job. Until I find something else, the best thing to do is stay out of his way.”

She leans forward to grab the bottle and slouches into the couch. “Okay, Evans. Whatever you say.”

“Oh, shut up and go get another bottle.”

“I love when you get bossy with me. Any chance you wanna go see if four-A wants to join us?”

Chapter ten


Thegodsareshiningon me when I get into the office the next day. Theo is away at a meeting, and I can drink my coffee in peace and use company resources to research and apply for jobs.

A cook at a diner? Pass. Food truck cook? “Ugh, not that desperate.” Pass. I click again, not interested in flipping burgers at the famous arch. I take a sip of my coffee. “I’d rather stay working for an asshole—”

“Who exactly is the asshole?”