Page 122 of Power

Sighing, she replies. “You probably could have just said please in the first place. You didn’t have to go all beast mode and bring out the Netflix bill—which is kind of high, and pretty low, by the way.”

“I needed your attention.”

“Well, now you have it.”

I kiss her lips. “Good.” The doorbell rings, and she glances over my shoulder.

“Are you expecting someone?” she asks as I release her and walk to the door.

“Yes,” I say, opening the door to her spunky girlfriend.

“Am I early?” She glances at both of us. “Late?”

“What are you—?”Fay starts, but I cut her off.

“She was my reinforcement if the streaming account bill didn’t work.”

Her mouth drops, and I want to toss her friend back out and kiss that look off her face.

“You called Mindy?”

“Oh, girl. No. He didn’t just call me. He risked his life and showed up at Bev’s. Begged me to help drink some sense into you.”

“I didn’t say drink.”

Her friend turns to me. “Talking sense into this one requires drinking. Might wanna take notes.” Then she glances back at our girl. “If he didn’t make it out of the scary bar, I vowed to take care of you and make sure you lived the rest of your life happy and drunk.”

“Didn’t say any of that—”

“Thank god he made it back to you alive.”

Surprisingly, while I’m getting annoyed, Fay starts to chuckle.

“He is a sissy sometimes, isn’t he?”

What the hell? “I’m not a sissy.”

“Right? Surprised he didn’t ask for a straw to drink his draft beer.”

How the hell is this turning into a bash on me? “Jesus, you know what—”

Mindy slaps my chest and walks up to Fay, wrapping her in the biggest hug. “Just kidding. Your boy toy is a great guy. I’m jealous you found someone so perfect. But I agree. You need a time-out. So tonight, no more meal planning or whatever the fuck you do. Tonight, we’re watching movies and eating whatever Hot Stuff over there orders us.”

As Mindy pulls her into the living room, Fay turns and mouths, “I love you.”

The loud music pulls me out of my memory, and I unlock the door to the penthouse. My dick jerks in my slacks at the aroma. Whatever the hell she’s cooking smells amazing. I find Fay in the kitchen, surrounded by a pile of plated dishes. From the looks of it, she started the second I left.

“Hey,” I call out, but she can’t hear me over the loud music. She has flour in her hair and a smear of something green across her cheek. “Hey!”

She jumps, turning my way. “Hey! Oh my god, you’ll never guess the day I’ve had.”

“Looking at the kitchen, I’d say an eventful one.”

“Well, yes. That too. But guess what!” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer. “I finally figured out the sauce for the duck!” She dips a spoon into her saucepan and walks over to me. “Try this.”

She lifts it to my mouth, and my tastebuds practically orgasm at the first taste. “Damn, that’s good.”

“Right? I was trying to stick to the norm. But then I started thinking. . . if I just changed a few things, swapped out the truffle oil for Alba white truffle oil, it would pair better with the saffron and bring out the tartness of the cherry wine. It’s perfect.”