I don’t even want to think how else this could have turned out.
“Okay, well, I’m going to go call and update your father. Then we can get you home.”
“I’ll be taking her home with me,” I state.
Her eyebrows raise. “To your home? I’m sure you’re a busy man. She’ll need someone to take—”
“I plan on taking time off. My sole focus is on her and her recovery.” The woman blushes like a schoolgirl. When I glance over at Fay, she’s rolling her eyes.
“Well, all right. Fable, I assume you’re okay with this?”
I peer over at Fay, and she frowns back at me. “What’s wrong? Do you not—”
“That’s how it’s going to be?”
“I have to get hit by a car for you to take off work? Offering sexual favors was a no-no—”
“But getting taken out by a rusty Honda Civic does the trick?”
“I was going to do some pretty filthy, downright nasty things to you, butnooo.”
Her mother covers her ears as I fight not to smile.
“I’ll just leave you two alone. I’m going to call your father.” And she walks out of the room.
I grab Fay’s hand. “I never should have gone to work today. You’re right. I should have stayed home and played with my toy.” Her frown slowly transforms into a smirk.
“You should have. It was all wound up and ready to go.”
“If you’ll let me, I’d like a redo.”
She pretends to think about it, but I know from the instant flush of her cheeks that she’d let me have my way with her right now, cast and hospital staff be damned. “Fine. I guess.” I kiss her quick, sealing the deal before she changes her mind.
The drive home is quiet. The pain meds made her drowsy, and she slept most of the ride. When we get to my condo, I thank James and carry her to the penthouse. She finally stirs when I lay her on my bed.
“Hey,” I say when she opens her eyes.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Yeah.” I sit down on the bed next to her. “I’m so sorry for all this.” My words are thick in my throat. “If I just left you be, this would have never happened.”
“Theo, this isn’t your fault. There are crazy people out there. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“But you weren’t.”
Her eyes open wider. “What do you mean? It was a fluke—”
“I think my father had something to do with this. Alana showing up. Drawing you out of my place. Someone pushing you into traffic. I don’t think this was a random accident.”
“Your father would really try and have me—”
“He would.” I don’t allow her to finish that sentence because I can’t bear to hear it come out of her mouth. I grab her hand and bring it to my lips. “I’m going to fix this.”