Page 83 of Dirty Justice

Pretty good.

What are you up to?

Right now, folding this sexy little pair of your panties.

Oh god.

Believe me, it’s a good thing.

How do you fold a thong?She giggled at the vision of her big, hot SEAL folding a scrap of lace.

You’ll see when you get here.He changed the topic.Any trouble getting around? Any pain?

No trouble at all. Stop worrying.

Text me if you need to come home early.

Home. The fact that he was referring to his apartment as their home didn’t feel as odd as she once expected. Only the place reallywasmade for a bachelor and not a couple.

Sometime soon, she’d bring up the topic of apartment hunting. Together.

The thought warmed her, and she returned to the messages with a smile.I’m fine for now. See you at five.

On the dot.The words were followed with a cupcake, a heart and a car emoji.

With a knot of warmth in her chest, she got up and circled her desk. The cast got heavy after a while and her thigh muscles ached. She couldn’t wait to get out from under all the restrictions that weighed on her the past month.Soon, she thought. Her side was healed and she had a few more weeks to go with her cast. But she was undeniably lucky.

Walking across her room and back wasn’t enough to ease the cramp in her thigh, so she opened the door and paced the hallway. Then she decided to head down a couple floors and grab a coffee from the cafeteria. They wouldn’t be busy at this time of day, and she could slip in and out without a dozen more people stopping her to chat.

She reached the cafeteria and her gaze fell on the tables across the space. Robert stood with a woman she didn’t know. Their hands were linked and they smiled into each other’s eyes.

Then to her astonishment, Robert leaned in and gave the woman a kiss. A real one. On the lips.

A surge of relief flooded Indika. This entire time, Robert must have felt the constraints between them and he never made a move to get closer to her. Thank god she didn’t have to explain her feelings to him now.

They broke away, and Indika hurried as fast as her leg would allow to the coffee bar. She grabbed a cup and filled it with her usual, topped it with a lid and went to pay for it.

“Indika.” Robert appeared at her side. “I heard you were back today. The place has been buzzing.”

She threw him a smile. “With rumors, I’m sure.”

He slipped his hands in his pants and waited for her to pay for her drink. “I might have heard one that you were in a Wonder Woman costume scaling the building pulling people out.”

That drew a laugh from her, and she remembered why she agreed to have lunch or drinks with him. Because he lightened up her somber moods that continued long after AJ was gone.

They strolled a few feet and stopped to face each other.



They shared a laugh.

He hooked a hand around his nape, a gesture that showed his awkwardness. “I know you saw that just now—between me and Faith.”

She nodded.

“I knew that you made your choice when I saw you with that guy.”