Page 68 of Dirty Justice

She was holding one of the folders.

“I need to call you back,” he said to Sparrow.

“I’ll get on the horn to Commander Barrett. See what he thinks of your plan. I’ll be in touch.” With that, Sparrow ended the call.

Apollo lowered the phone from his ear.

Indika widened her eyes, letting him know she was on to more about his acts than she would say.

He tipped his jaw toward the file in her hand. “What do you have?”

As if remembering she held something, she stepped forward and opened to the first page. “Those names you wanted me to look into. Brown continued digging into them while I’ve been off work.”

He took the folder from her and scanned the details she’d gotten on Raheem and the two cronies he’d brought into the country with him.

Much of it, Oz’s team had already dug up. Some points didn’t seem important, but he of all people knew that those were the things that tripped up criminals and brought them to their knees.

Or in Abubakar’s case, put him in his grave.

Indika was watching his face.

Since she shared with him—was trying to help him—he could only guess that she was waiting for him to bring her into his confidence.

He gestured to the bed. Slowly, she eased to the edge and clenched her fingers in her lap.

He set the folder on the mattress and sat beside her with his head in his hands. “That was Sparrow on the phone.”

“Did you call him or did he call you?”

“I called him. Let me start by telling you what I know.”

She nodded.

He straightened. “Abubakar’s group is in the middle of some serious dissention. They’re divided by two men who are both fighting for power.”

“And one is this guy?” She waved at the folder.

“Yes. Amaya has been rallying support and transferred money to fund his rise to leadership.”

“That’s what Brown found too.”

“Right. In a group with this many members, the only way to prove you’re worthy of leading them is to have a pissing contest.”

She shook her head. “What does that mean?”

“You know that bombing in Egypt? At the outdoor market?”

She clapped a hand over her mouth. “That was Raheem?”

He shrugged. “He’s claiming the honor. He released a brag video that the press shut down, thank god.”

“You found all this out on your own?”

“With the help of my contact. Some of it we’ve discovered through underground rumors that proved to be real. Oz and I then put the intel in the places I know Blackout looks.”

“Why didn’t Blackout just listen to you? The fact that you had to go to these lengths to share the intel that you could have just walked into HQ and handed them…”

He shifted his shoulders. His nose was still out of joint from the slight from Blackout, even if he understood their reasons.