Page 54 of Dirty Justice

“Are youseriouslyhoping the guys you’re jealous of will show up at my apartment in the middle of the night?” Her whisper was heated and her blood pressure on the rise.

“Who says I’m jealous?” He gripped the handle harder. “Why the hell don’t you have a peephole in this door? Or a security cam?”

“I have a security app to see who’s coming, but it’s kind of late for that. Just open it and I’ll shoot whoever it is in the kneecap.”

“Jesus Christ. Get behind me. On three, two…”

Indika’s heart thundered in her ears, and all she could see were the muscles flexing in his back as he cracked the door.

“Hell,” he grated out, straightening from his defensive pose. He stepped back to allow the guest to enter.

Knowing the coast must be clear if AJ wasn’t pulling the trigger, she darted out from behind him as he shut the door.

She jerked at the sight of Sparrow, Blackout’s commanding officer, standing in her apartment. And beside him stood his wife Gia, a former agent for Homeland Security who now assisted Blackout.

Indika couldn’t be more shocked or dumbfounded if she’d found the Easter Bunny in her place.

Gia’s face creased with worry as she broke away from Sparrow and grabbed Indika’s hand. “I’m sorry we scared you. I told Montgomery it was a bad idea to show up here at this time of night, but he never listens to me.”

She shook her head. “What are you guys doing here? We aren’t in any danger, are we?”

Realizing she still gripped her handgun, she set it on the side table and wiped her sweaty hand on her leggings.

Her friend watched this with remorse on her pretty face. “We were out for the evening with a couple others on the team.”

Another knock had them all giving their attention to the door.

“There’s Bishop and Taliyah now.”

Indika moved deeper into her apartment to allow more people to crowd into her small entryway. She tried to catch AJ’s eye but he wasn’t paying attention to her. He was too busy letting more of the team into her place.

What was going on? The men weren’t that tense. Plus, if something bad was going down, they wouldn’t have their loved ones with them.

By the time the door shut for good, four members of Blackout stood in her living room. She shot AJ another look, and this time she captured his gaze.

Uhhh, what do I do?

His dark brows shot up in answer to her silent question, and he shook his head to say he didn’t know any more than she did.

When her mother received unexpected company, the first thing she did was offer refreshments.

“Would you all like something to drink?” she asked even though she really wanted to start demanding to know what everyone was doing here at this time of night.

Lena, the only female on the team and someone Indika had spent a lot of time working with, offered her a smile. “We just came from a celebratory dinner, so I for one am still full.”

“You guys ate dinner this late?” Indika felt like she could use a little refreshment in the form of a stiff drink.

Even though she wanted to know what the men had to say, she walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer for the vodka she stored there.

The women drifted in, eyeing her and each other.

“Whatever you know, you might as well just tell me. I’ll get it out of AJ sooner or later.”

Lena rested her hip against the countertop, watching her. “So he’s staying here.”

She sloshed alcohol into a water glass, not even bothering to find a shot glass. Then she brought the alcohol to her lips.

“Wait!” Taliyah called out.