Page 46 of Dirty Justice

“We’ll keep monitoring the situation. I’ve got a guy trailing them, and I’m letting the reports slip to Blackout like you asked.”

Apollo pinched the bridge of his nose. Running solo and taking matters into his own hands had earned him plenty of distrust from Blackout and from Indika. But what choice did he have? Feeding information to the team was the only way he could help. What man on Blackout wouldn’t take the same course?

Oz understood his reasons and jumped to help the minute Apollo proposed they work together.

“You sure you don’t want to go more direct with your plan?” Oz’s question was a small earthquake that shook loose his resolve. Was he doing the right thing?

As if he hadn’t been asking himself the same damn question for three long years.

A low rustling noise, almost undetectable to an untrained ear, reached him from Indika’s bedroom.

“I’m certain,” he told Oz with a note of conviction in his tone he wasn’t sure he believed himself. “Stick to the plan. Keep me posted.”

“Will do. Watch your six.” Oz ended the call without waiting for more.

Apollo quickly cleared his phone history and used a program to scrub the number Oz used, even though he knew the man didn’t take chances by using a traceable number.

Then he drifted down the hallway. He paused outside Indika’s door.

Another rustle came from within.

Slowly, he turned the knob and pushed the door open with a palm. She lay on her side. Her eyes opened, and she looked straight at him.

God, those eyes could slay him. She had a way of looking directly into his soul. But knowing he couldn’t hide anything from her had him worrying even more now that he had spoken to Oz.

“Are you in pain?” he asked.


He waited for more, but she didn’t say anything. He pushed the door open farther and moved to the bed. When he dropped to the edge, he expected her to shift away from him, but she didn’t.

Fuck, those eyes. So wide and burning with something he’dneverget enough of.


Unable to stop himself, he hovered over her. Bracing a hand next to her body, he twisted to lean closer.

She drew a hitching breath. “I’m tired, yet not tired. I can’t sleep.”

He knew that tale all too well. How many sleepless nights did he spend in hiding, while fantasies of having Indika next to him spun through his mind? And how many times had he taken his cock in hand and pumped it to memories of her soft body curled around him and his name on her lips?

“I know what you need,” he said hoarsely.

He leaned closer and brushed his lips across hers. The caress dragged another unsteady breath from her, but she didn’t snap at him to leave her alone, so he lifted his head and lowered a kiss to the hollow of her throat.

Holding it there, he waited for her to smack him, but her pulse only skittered under his mouth, faster and faster.

He dragged his lips back up to the sensitive skin under her jaw.

A sweet moan left her as he explored the sweep of her neck, pressing kisses everyplace she wouldn’t let him before this minute.

Careful not to shake the bed and cause her pain, he slipped one hand under the sheet she’d covered herself with and found her hip.

She wore loose cotton pants and he’d spent enough time mentally undressing her all the way to the park and all the way home to know that he could edge down that stretchy waist without hurting her.

Her chest rose and fell in fast pants as he tested just how far she’d let him go before slamming on the brakes.

Holding her stare, he started by caressing her thighs. When he stroked down one inner thigh, she gasped.