Page 66 of Dirty Justice

He gave her a crooked grin. “There’s nothing about either of us that’s normal.”


After AJ shut himself inside the guest bedroom, Indika sat at her desk and stared at the stack of folders. Her thoughts were too muddled. Her emotions twisted up.

She was burning to know who AJ was in there talking to and what about. He’d let her in on other ops, so why not this one?

But he’d attempted to pull her in, and she’d told him to leave it to her and leave her alone.

The moment he’d walked into her office asking for help in tracking down some terrorists seemed like months ago. So much had happened between then and now. Her injury, surgery and recovery had taken up a lot of her energy and she’d forgotten all about AJ’s request.

Throwing a look at the guestroom, she picked up her phone and dialed Brown.

After three rings, she expected to hear his voicemail message but he suddenly picked up.

“How’s my partner doing today?”

“Fine. Well. Bored. Ready to return to work.”

“That’s a lot of one-word answers. What aren’t you telling me?”

She dropped her face to her palm. “Brown, am I morally gray?”

“Gray? I wouldn’t call you gray, Devi. Where’s this coming from?”

“You’re a guy. I need your perspective.”

“This is about Lazarus, isn’t it?”

“Sort of. Robert just showed up with the files.”

“Ahhh. And that caused trouble.”

“Not exactly trouble, but neither Robert nor AJ were thrilled. Then AJ brought up that I could have told Robert where he stands with me.”

“It’s obvious you dislike rocking boats until you have to. You’re always the one who holds off on talking to a person of interest until you doallthe research.”

“That’s not why I didn’t talk to Robert about what’s going on between me and AJ. I’m not waiting to see who’s better for me. I already know that AJ’s difficult and might mean more heartbreak, but I can’t live without him.”

“Sounds like you’re torturing yourself, Devi. Let me ask you this.”

She could almost see Brown leaning back in his desk chair, legs extended and his head tilted to the side as he gave her advice.

“I’m listening,” she said.

“Have you ever told Sabrina in facility inspections that she wears her pantsway tootight?”

Indika’s mouth fell open. The image of that coworker, Sabrina, popped into her mind, complete with pants so snug thatnothingwas left to the imagination. And she meantnothing.

“No way! I’d never be able to tell her something like that.”

“Like I said, you don’t rock boats. You didn’t tell Robert you’re banging Lazarus because you don’t want to hurt his feelings. You’re probably the first woman he’s ever looked at that he didn’t blush at seeing your ankles.”

“Christ, Brown. He’s not that straitlaced.”

“What? It’s true. He kisses you on the forehead. I’ve seen it.”

She wilted. “You’re not wrong.”