Page 63 of Dirty Justice

When he didn’t answer, she dropped to the edge of the bed and placed a hand on his thigh. Tension vibrated through the muscle.


He grabbed her and yanked her down to the bed. She didn’t even get a gasp out before he crushed his lips to hers. The hard stamp was more than a kiss—it was a claiming.

And god, did she love it. Her insides melted. Her nipples hardened. She slipped her tongue across his, raising a rumble in his chest. She rubbed against his hard muscles, wanting more.

Long fingers tangled in her hair, tugging it with the perfect pressure to rip a moan from her.

Tearing away, he stared at her. His eyes glittered.

“I don’t care about Robert.”

“I know that, Indika. Deep down, I know. It has me thinking.”

She waited.

“I don’t know if I want Blackout anymore.”

She expected AJ to spout off a lot of things, but that statement wasn’t one she could have ever guessed in a lifetime of guesses.

She searched his gaze. “What?”

He threw himself flat on the bed again. “The doctor happened to be at Blackout headquarters. He cleared me. Tomorrow I’m back on the team.”

“Wh…” Her voice broke. “Which team?” If it was Charlie, they were stationed on the West Coast. So far away from her.

“Alpha. Charlie doesn’t have room for me, and I’m good with that. I don’t want to leave DC.”

“But that’s good news, isn’t it?”

“I guess.” He sounded miserable.

She cradled his jaw, directing his gaze back to hers. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on in your head.”

“Hell, I don’t even know myself. I can’t put any of it into words. It’s more of a gut feeling.”

“Your gut is telling you to leave Blackout and take the other offer?”

He cupped her face in his palms. “My gut is saying do whatever it takes to stay close to you.”

Her heart tumbled. Love filled every cell of her body and all the space between. Tears flooded her eyes.

“You already have me, AJ. You know you’ve always been it for me. I’d never ask you to leave the team you love, just to what? Sleep next to me every night?”

“Well, why not? In Blackout, I never know if I’ll wake up beside you or in some other country. We’re only given the missions that are a roll of the dice—and have every possibility that we’ll fail.”

“But Blackout never fails,” she said with as much vehemence as he’d delivered his words.

“They could. I never want to leave you wondering if I’m dead or alive. Never again, Indika.” He tugged her close and kissed her with all the desperation and passion that their reunion had burned with.

She kissed him back and tore off his clothes. He was far too gentle with taking hers off, and she took matters into her own hands. Once she was nude, she straddled his hips and sank over his hard, thick cock. Need exploded. Their mouths collided in a deep, endless kiss as they both poured all their emotions and their frustrations, into each other.

When her release struck first, AJ stiffened with his own. She continued to roll her hips, taking every drop of his cum deep inside her and wondering how she would ever make him see that he was making the wrong choice to leave Blackout.

* * * * *

Apollo pinched the balloon to keep the air from escaping. As he tied it off, Indika snipped off a length of ribbon to fasten to it.