Page 5 of Dirty Justice

When he swung toward her, it was impossible not to take note of how big he was compared to most men.

“Well?” she asked to cover the way she felt when he looked at her. “Should you be exerting yourself with your head injury?”

Damn if his lips didn’t quirk up at one corner. “You still care.”

She rolled her eyes. “What do you want?”

“I need your help.”

“Of course you do. I’m out, remember? I told you that after you dragged me into using my clearances to find…Abubakar.” She pitched her voice lower as if speaking the terrorist’s name would conjurehimfrom the dead. Why not? Everyone else seemed to rise from the ashes.

The elevator dinged, and she took a big step to pass by Apollo. Unfortunately, he got off the elevator tooandfollowed her to her office.

She slammed through the door and tried to shut it in his face. But he braced a big palm against it and forced her back a step.

Their eyes locked. Her stomach flipped.

Spinning, she rushed to her desk as if putting a hunk of wood and metal between them would stop a man who took out national threats for a living.

She didn’t take a seat but instead backed up to lean on the cabinet under the window. Arms folded, she shot him a glare.

“I didn’t invite you in here.”

He didn’t sit either, just stared her down from across the space that felt a lot smaller with his giant, six-two body in it.

“Indika,” he began.

Her lungs constricted. Every time the man said her name, it set off a wave of want inside her.

“Please go.” She fought to keep the plea from her tone.

“I told you I need your help.”

“Then call your team.”

“I did. They won’t listen. I was told to take a nap and leave it to them.”

“Well, youareout on medical leave. And that sounded like a direct order.”

He took a step toward the desk. She couldn’t squeeze up against the cabinet any more without climbing on top of it.

“Indika, something’s going down.”

“What makes you think I’ll help you? I told you, I’m finished with all that. Maybe that slap across the face I gave you rattled your brain even more than being thrown into concrete.”

His eyes glimmered. But not with irritation—with a challenge.

Oh god, just seeing that sexy cant of his eyebrow tugged at her core and made her panties flood with desire.

It was dangerous just being this close to the man who’d rocked her world all those years ago. Her body hadlongedfor him every day she believed him to be dead.

It longed for him now—his big arms trapping her to his muscled chest and his mouth crushing down on hers.

Her heart thumped too fast.

Damn if he didn’t sidestep her desk and close in on where she stood pressed against the cabinet.

She cast about for something to stop him in his tracks. If he reached her…touched her… Well, she didn’t know how strong she was.