Page 45 of Dirty Justice

“There’s a vendor who comes to the park on weekends. Looks like he’s here during the week too.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t know that. You’re never home. You work too damn much, Indika.”

Was that a note of worry she heard in his voice?

Up ahead, the park sprawled over a city block where at one time some old buildings had been demolished and grass planted. Trees offered shade to the benches positioned beneath them. AJ gestured to one, and she took a seat.

He sat next to her, close enough that she could lean over an inch and rest her head on his shoulder.

He smelled amazing. When she glanced at his hand settled on his muscled thigh, he thought of how it would feel to lay her hand over it and trace the sinew and veins that led up his arm.

“I’ll be right back.” He got up and strolled down the path. She watched the self-assurance in every step he took…and also the way a few moms airing out their young children stopped to shoot glances at Apollo.

When he reached the hot dog cart, Indika smiled. Of course he’d be thinking of his stomach.

After a long chat with the vendor, AJ came back, carrying a paper tray.

The delicious scent of a food she never ate wafted out of it.

“I got you a vegan dog. He didn’t have any kosher ones. The vendor claims they’re good, but you be the judge.”

He remembered exactly what she was allowed to eat for her religion, even though she didn’t follow many of the traditions her parents did.

Handing her one of the hot dogs smothered in ketchup, he shot her a smile that was completely at ease. The mask of tension was gone, leaving only the man she liked far too much at one time.

She still did like him. Sometimes.


Apollo picked his head up off the pillow. Dammit, hehadheard the buzzing of an incoming call. He climbed off the sofa where he’d been lounging around watching a game on TV. Somehow, he’d managed to drift off to sleep for a few minutes. Heneverslept during the day. He chalked it up to getting no sleep at all with Indika in bed in the other room.

He grabbed his phone and brought it to his ear. “Apollo.”

“It’s Oz.” The gritty voice projected into his ear.

He got up and crossed to the far end of the space to get out of Indika’s earshot. The walk had tired her out, and she slipped into bed for a nap, but that didn’t mean she’d actually fallen asleep.

When he’d made contact with Oz and asked him to dig up more on the names he’d shared with Indika back in the ICE office, his contact immediately agreed.

“Talk,” Apollo said to his contact.

“We dug up some dirt on your guy.”

“I’m listening.”

Oz was a retired Navy SEAL. He ran a group of undercovers known as The Guard. Apollo had learned about Oz through a guy who knew another guy, and that led to a friendship. Oz had gotten him things whenever he needed it—supplies, weapons and intel. The top items of trade to someone who was deep ops.

“Raheem recently traveled back to Nigeria on Monday. He returned to the US on Tuesday. You were right about him rallying for power. It seems he brought a few friends into the country with him.”

“Any names?”

“False ones.”

Apollo let out a groan. How people managed to get through airport security and customs with false identities nowadays never failed to surprise him.

“We’re running their images through the program, but no hits as of yet.”

“I know a person in ICE. I asked her for help already, but something…came up. I’ll see what else I can do to persuade her to find out more,” Apollo said.