Page 39 of Dirty Justice

“I appreciate it.” And next time, she’d makesurethat AJ wasn’t even in the city.

He turned to leave. After she waved him off with a smile that felt brittle on her face, she closed the door and leaned against it.

With a moan of irritation, she closed her eyes and counted to twenty.

“Everything all right?” AJ’s voice tore her eyes open and she locked a glare on him.

“Why did you have to come out here looking like you’re at home inmyapartment? Drying off your hands like you’ve been slaving in the kitchen all morning.”

His brow ticked up a notch. “Waffles are getting cold.”

“Waffles—Ahh! You just made it look like you and I are together to my coworker!”

He shifted his shoulders in a shrug that would throw a smaller man to the floor with the sheer brute force. “He can think what he wants. I’m just here making sure my friend’s okay.”

“What was that? Putting emphasis on the word friend when you know damn well that you’re just here to drive me crazy! That”—she stepped forward to jab a finger into his hard chest—“is not friendship. It’s a dick move and you know it.”

She didn’t buy the bland expression he’d slapped on his face for one second.

“You can always call him back. Invite him in for waffles.”

“I don’t want him here for waffles!”

“Look, I could have walked out here in my boxer shorts and really wrecked things for you. I left you alone.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think for a minute that wasn’t a planned move on your part too.”

His dark eyes held hers. “You could have invited him to eat with you and I wouldn’t have interrupted.”

“I didn’t want to be alone with him!”

He took a step toward her so fast that she wobbled back. Ducking his head, he captured her gaze. She couldn’t rip it away if she tried.

“Your mask slipped.”

She took another step back. His fingers closed around her forearm.

“You feel something for me still. You’re just afraid to let it surface.”

Gulping in air only flooded her lungs with AJ’s scent and reminded her body just how much she wanted him. God, she wanted him so much. The thought of sinking her fingers into his hard ass and dragging his hard cock toward her pussy had her battling lurid images.

She opened her mouth to ask him to leave, but a knock sounded on her apartment door.

When she spun to answer it, her side twinged with pain. But she was too focused on AJ’s confusing words to care much. She shuffled forward to the door and opened it, thinking Robert had returned to tell her something.

As soon as she set eyes on her partner, she issued a low moan of relief.

Brown’s brows knitted. “I know you probably don’t want to see me, but is that any way to greet your partner?”

Her moan broke into a laugh. Which hurt her side.

Brown pushed his way inside without asking for entry. “I passed Robert at the door. He let me in.” He looked behind her. “Hey, Lazarus.”

She choked on air.

“Brown. There are waffles if you guys want to come to the kitchen.”

She swung her head to gape at AJ.