Page 11 of Dirty Justice

Sparrow sat back in his seat and pressed a fist to his lips as if in thought. “I’m not saying you don’t have a spot with Alpha. I’m just saying not yet. As for the notifications you’re receiving, we’re getting them too.”

His chest burned. “If you tell me to take another nap, I’m going to snap, Sparrow.”

“Then find a hobby, man. Call me when you’ve got that clearance in your hand. I gotta run.” Without so much as a goodbye, Sparrow ended the call.

The screen went black, leaving Apollo alone with his reflection in the shiny screen.

The team had it all under control. Fuck, that didn’t help with his level of frustration. And being told to get a hobby? Was he supposed to take up pottery or yoga?


He slumped on the sofa, TV remote forgotten. The afternoon had crawled by like a slug through mud, but it wasn’t even quitting time for Indika. She’d still be in the office.

Before he realized his mind was made up, he was grabbing his keys and his leather jacket for later and heading out the door.

The short drive to the ICE office didn’t take long enough for him to formulate a plan of attack. But as soon as he parked and looked at the entrance, it came to him.

He’d wait until she left for the day and bump into her. Invite her to dinner. Casual, just talking. No pressure.

He locked his car and crossed the busy street. A big SEAL lingering in front of the ICE office didn’t gather as much notice as he expected. Everyone who walked out was either rushing to their cars to get home or hurrying to catch public transportation. A few people grouped together, chatting on their way out.

He waited for a glimpse of Indika’s glossy black hair. As soon as he spotted her, his gaze fell on the man at her side.

Another of those far-too-common growls rumbled in his throat.

Well, it wasn’t Mr. Yacht Club.

This guy was way too attractive for Apollo to feel comfortable. He was dressed in a suit but unlike the man she ate lunch with, he looked like he could do real bodily harm.

He appeared jovial and Indika was smiling. Apollo hated the guy more now that he saw he could put a happy smile on her face.

Hell. What was he doing? She asked him—several times—to leave her alone.

Turning to head back to his car, he saw Indika stop walking.

Damn. She’d seen him.

She said something to the man at her side and hurried in Apollo’s direction, all happiness and light wiped from her face and replaced by a dark scowl.

He braced himself for her anger.

She barreled up to him. “What are youdoinghere?”

Even though her eyes were snapping and her cheeks burning with anger, he’d take it. He was just glad to be close to her.

“I was going to invite you to dinner.” He looked over her head at the man she’d been talking to. He stopped to watch them. “But you look busy.”

She followed his line of sight back to the guy, who started toward them.

Indika issued a noise of dismay. “Damn. Here he comes.”

The guy weaved through the workers leaving the office. A few called out to him, and he smiled and waved at them.

Apollo hated the guy even more for how friendly and well-liked he appeared to be.

When he stepped up beside Indika, he gave her an expectant smile, waiting for an introduction.

Apollo said nothing. Neither did Indika. Awkward silence hung over them.