“Yeah, that look,” Alastor says, gesturing to my face. “It’s fucking uncomfortable.”

I glare at him, my jaw tight with agitation. “Fine. You have two seconds to explain what the hell ‘sex rehab’ is.”

“It’s just what I said—a way for you to try some new, Trent-free experiences in a safe environment.”

“I’m not having sex with you, if that’s what your angle is,” I tell him. “I wouldn’t go there if we were the only two survivors of a nuclear apocalypse.”

He quirks a brow at me, lips curved into a wry smirk. “That’s a bit dramatic. But completely unnecessary. I have absolutely no interest in touching you, Macey. I do have some friends who’d probably be on board though.”

“You want to pimp me out to your friends?” I ask incredulously .

“I doubt anyone would want to pay for you,” he drawls. “So no.”

With a frustrated huff, I get to my feet. “We’re done with this. I don’t need your help.”

My skin itching with agitation, I stalk from the restau- rant and out of the resort, heading straight for the beach and making a beeline for the surfboard hire. I need to be out on the water. Now.

AFTER A COUPLE of hours in the ocean, I’m feeling a hell of a lot calmer than when I ended my conversation with Alastor. The waves aren’t huge but I managed to catch a few good breaks, and my muscles are burning from all the paddling.

I return the board and collect my t-shirt, sunnies, and thongs from the guy I left them with at the hire. “Cheers, mate.”

I’m about to tug my t-shirt on when I feel a hand slap- ping my back. The sharp sting reminds me that I forgot to put sunscreen on before heading out on the water.Whoops.

“Thought I might find you down here,” Trent says. “I tried calling a couple of times but you didn’t answer. I was getting worried.”

I offer a soft smile that I’m not really feeling. “My phone’s charging in my room. And I’ve been surfing for the past few hours anyway.”

He nods, grinning broadly. “Right. I just wanted to check everything’s good? I heard you had a bit of an... eventful night last night.”

“I didnothave sex in vomit!” I growl.

Trent holds his hands up, brows practically in his hair- line. “I didn’t think you did. But still...” he offers a curious look. “Alastor?”

I let out a frustrated sigh. I get why Alastor went with this excuse but it still grates on me that everyone things we were together last night. “We were drunk. It was nothing.”

Trent’s lips twitch in amusement. “So no chance this might lead to a peace treaty between the two of you?”

“Definitely not,” I grumble.

We make our way back to the resort and are intercepted at the entrance by Xavier, who beams upon seeing Trent.

“Thereyou are.”

Trent’s attention immediately shifts to his husband, eyes melting like butter as he reaches for Xav and pulls him close. “Hey, beautiful.”

They kiss and I take it as my cue to leave. As I ride the lift up to my room, I can’t help thinking about Alastor’s words from earlier. I have an entire lifetime ahead of me of little moments like that. How long is it going to be before they break me completely?

When I get back to my room, I find my phone charging on the bedside table and pick it up. I hesitate for a long moment before sending the text. It could be the biggest mistake of my life, but at the moment I’m not sure what other choice I have.

Me:Okay. I’ll do your stupid sex rehab thing. But I’m NOT having sex with any of your friends. They’re probably as gross as youAlastor King:If you think fitness models are gross then sure

Alastor King:When are we doing this?

Me:I want more details first. Come to my place on Tuesday night to discuss terms


Alastor King:What about MAFS?