I let out a sigh of aggravation. “Fine.” Reaching forward, I grab the remote from the coffee table in front of me and flick on the TV. I navigate to the app for the porn streaming service I use and bring it up. Right there on the app’s home screen is a bunch of recommendations for brocest and twincest videos. I cast Alastor a pointed look. “See?”

He nods, actually looking somewhat impressed. “Maybe there’s hope for you after all, Macey.”

I scowl in annoyance. “You know there’s nothing wrong with not being into kinky shit.”

He nods. “I know. And there’s nothing wrong with liking missionary porn. Or not liking porn at all. Or not liking sex at all for that matter. But you’ve been going through this same cycle of being in love with Trent and trying to get over him and being in love with him again for, like, twenty years now and clearly nothing you’ve been doing is working. You need to do something drastic. Shake everything up.”

“And you think this ‘sex rehab’ thing is the way to do that?” I ask sceptically, my hands coming up to form air quotes.

He flashes me a Cheshire cat grin. “Absolutely.”



Ican’t believe Jack is into cest. It’s...well, I’m not going to go so far as to admit it’s impressive, but it’s definitely surprising. I’m tempted to tell him to press play on one of the videos, but I have a feeling mutual masturbation is something we’ll need to build up to. Considering the blank look on his face when I spouted off some of the things I’m into, we’re going to be starting right at the beginning here.

I tap my pencil against my pad and steam ahead with my questions. “Okay, so we’ve got porn down. What about masturbation? How do you like to do that?”

Unsurprisingly, Jack glares at me. “Fuck off, I’m not telling you about my wanking habits.”

I sigh. “This isn’t going to work if you’re not open with me. Trust me, the last thing I want is a mental image of you beating it. I’m doing this to help you.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Right, because you’re just that selfless.”

I smirk at him. “Absolutely.”

He lets out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “Fine. Sometimes I’ll watch porn and get off out here,” he says, gesturing to the streaming service on the TV.

My face screws up in distaste, wishing I didn’t know Jack Macey made a habit of wanking mere feet away. There’s probably cum stains on that couch. Gross. “Urgh, so didn’t need to know that,” I mutter.

“Youasked,”he growls.

I nod. It’s true, I did ask. “Sorry. Go on.”

“Mainly I use the shower,” he says grudgingly. “Easy

clean up.”

“And when you’re in the shower, do you picture


Jack’s face flames and he turns away from me, his jaw

set hard. Well, there’s my answer. I’ll admit, I do feel atinybit bad about pushing so hard on this, but I need this to work for all our sakes, and it won’t if I don’t have as much information as possible.

“Well, that’s something that’s going to have to change,” I mutter to myself, making a note on my pad.

Jack must have heard me, though, because he turns back to me, eyes flashing. “It’s not like Iwantto think about him.”

I hold my hands up in an attempt to placate him. “I know. And I’m not judging you.”

Jack scoffs in disbelief. “When have you ever not judged me?”

I roll my eyes. “You can be a little bitch about this if you want, or you can take me at face value and accept I’m trying to help.”

The scowl stays on his face for a long time before he finally lets out a sigh full of reluctance. “Fine.” Under his breath, I hear him muttering, “I can’t believe I’m even considering this.”