Me:Do you want to do this or not? Just record it ad watch it later ??

MY STOMACH IS FLIPPINGaround all over the place as I wait for Alastor to arrive on Tuesday night. I have no idea why. This whole sex rehab idea of his is so ludicrous, the fact that I’m actually considering it shows just how desperate my situation is. And maybe that’s why I’m nervous; because I know that if this doesn’t work, nothing will. And I’ll be doomed to live out an unrequited love for the rest of my life.

“Nice place,” Alastor says as I let him into my apart- ment. His eyes flick around the place, taking in the small kitchen, modest living room, and the balcony outside. It’s definitely not a huge place, but it’s modern and has two bedrooms, and I bought it for the location more than anything else. It’s close to the city and surrounded by bars and restaurants and shops. You really can’t get much better .

“Thanks. You want a beer?”

He shrugs. “Sure, why not.”

I amble over to the fridge and retrieve to bottles of

Little Creatures, snapping off the caps and handing one to Alastor. Then I move over to the couch and take a seat, motioning for Alastor to sit in one of the other chairs.

To my surprise, he withdraws a little notepad and pencil from his shorts pocket before sitting down.

“What’s that for?” I ask curiously.

“I need to take some notes. It’ll help me devise a program for your rehab.”

I roll my eyes. “Aprogram?You’re taking this a little bit too seriously, don’t you think?”

He sends me a flat look. “Do you want to get over Trent or not?”

I let out a sigh and take a sip of my beer. “Fine. Take your notes.”

“Okay, we need a baseline. What sort of stuff are you into—sex wise, I mean.”

I stare at him for a moment, unsure how to answer the question. “Do you mean, like, top or bottom?”

He rolls his eyes. “I already know you’re a bottom seeing as Xav’s almost an exclusive top.” Putting his pencil to the paper, he says, “I’m just going to put ‘vanilla’.” I hear him muttering something under his breath that sounds a lot like “no surprises there.”

I bite my lip nervously before asking, “What sort of stuff areyouinto?” I already know he’s into way more adventurous stuff than I am, but I don’t know exactly what that entails. Except that he apparently draws the line at bodily fluids.

Alastor shrugs. “Pretty basic stuff. Bondage, discipline, edging, pain play, group sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, stranger sex, CBT, fisting, sex in public...stuff like that.”

I just stare at him, trying not to let on that I don’t know what half of that stuff involves.

“Alright, moving on—porn.” He shakes his head, tapping the pen against the pad. “What am I saying? Obviously that’s going to be pretty vanilla too, right? Let me guess—two guys in a bed in missionary.”

“Something like that,” I mumble. I don’t care how much of his scorn it earns me, there’s no way I can tell him the kind of porn Iactuallyprefer to watch. “Let me guess— you’re into all BDSM stuff.”

He lifts one shoulder in a lazy shrug. “A little. I prefer gang bangs, though. Especially when there’s a little guy being passed around a group of big guys. That’s hot. And lately I’ve been getting into the gaycest stuff.”

My mouth falls open and I just stare at him in shock.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Alastor chides. “It’s not like Iactuallywant to have sex with my brother. Not that I have a brother, but if I did I’m sure I wouldn’t want to fuck him. It’s just porn.”

I give a sharp shake of my head. “No, I’m not judging. It’s just...I like that stuff as well.”

Alastor just sits there blinking slowly, his mouth opening and closing as though I’ve just told him I hail from another planet. It’s actually a little unnerving. Finally, he speaks. “You? Mr. Vanilla? You’re into cest?”

I nervously run a hand over the back of my head. “Yeah well, it’s like you said. It’s not real.”

He sets down his pad and folds his arms over his chest, his jaw jutting out in that stubborn expression he gets. “Yeah, I don’t believe you.”

“Why the fuck would I make something like that up?” I say with a scowl. It’s definitely not information I generally volunteer. I would say I can’t believe Alastor is so open about his tastes, but it’s Alastor so really nothing should shock me.

He shrugs. “I don’t know, but I just find it hard to believe.”