Page 68 of Runaway Mate

“That’s right, and I have full permission to take you with me kicking and screaming.” His eyes seemed to spark at the possibility of having to apply force.

“What would Lucifer want with us?” Sariel questioned.

Barimuz shrugged his massive shoulders again. “I cannot pretend to understand my master’s motives. I am but a foot soldier to him.”

Neo scoffed. “That doesn’t sound like what you told us.”

I raised a brow at him. “I thought you were his indispensable right hand?”

Barimuz stiffened. “Even the Devil's right hand is not trusted by the Devil.”

Neo laughed dryly. “That makes sense, considering his perceived betrayal. I’m sure you can’t even serve him food.”

Barimuz snarled, the sound like a deep gurgle from the pit of his stomach. “It’s a good thing my master doesn’tneedfood!”

Neo laughed. “ThankGod!Thank God you don’t have to wipe Lucifer’s ass for–”


Barimuz moved so quickly the rest of us froze.

He held Neo by the throat, the latter’s feet barely touching the floors as he dragged his face close to his. “You have a lot of talk for someone responsible for the death of the love of his life. For a pathetic little angel who couldn’t save his wife and child,” he taunted, and his tongue snaked out and slid along Neo’s cheek.

“Stop,” Reese cried out when Barimuz shook Neo like a ragdoll. Neo’s clawed hand circled Barimuz’s wrist, the sharp tips sinking into the flesh and slicing through it.

Barimuz ignored Neo’s struggle and turned to Reese.

Marilyn and I stepped in front of her on instinct.

“So, you’ve picked another victim?” he mocked, turning to eye Neo, who was slowly turning purple. “Another lover who will die because you areweak, because youtrust too easilybecause you’reirresponsibleandreckless—”

Neo bucked hard, his claws slicing right through Barimuz’s wrist, cutting off the appendage completely.

Barimuz stumbled back, stunned, as his hand fell away from Neo’s throat and withered to ash before it even hit the ground.

“You fucker!” Neo launched himself at the archdemon, his wings snapping out and tearing through his shirt.

Barimuz raised his good hand in threat, and Reese screamed behind Marilyn and me.

Sariel launched himself at Neo, tackling him to the ground.

“Stop it!” I snapped, supporting Reese as she clutched her head. Johnny stepped between Barimuz and us when Reese made a keening sound like she was in unimaginable pain, and her eyes rolled back into her head.

I glanced at where Sariel was pinning Neo to the ground. “Neo, stop it! He’s hurting her!”

Neo stilled, and Barimuz made a fist, causing Reese to choke.

Neo shrugged Sariel off. “Stop,” he growled at Barimuz, who ignored him. “Stop it!”

Barimuz lifted his mutilated arm. I watched in disgust as the place where his wrist was sliced off bubbled and swelled until a new hand replaced the one Neo had sliced off.

“We’ll go!” Sariel snapped. “We’ll go with you, just stop! You’re killing her.”

“Please,” Neo begged. Barimuz’s expression had turned to stone, and when he only cocked his head and observed us, Neo begged again. “Please. I’m… I’msorry.”

Barimuz smiled. He released his fist.

Reese gasped, collapsing into Johnny and I.