Page 47 of Runaway Mate

I frowned.It’s my mother and Grel.

“I know they’re here, mother,” Grel’s deep voice answered. “I just don’t know exactly where. The Garden is pretty vast.”

“Figure it out, Grel,” Penelope snapped back. “We must find them before Tarragon and Blossom realize they’re gone.”

Aria and I turned to each other sharply.

“This is a terrible idea, and if I were Sariel, I wouldn’t want anything to do with you,” Grel said.

“It’s a good thing you’re not Sariel, then,” she quipped. “Find him. I’ll keep watch—”

I don’t think they have bad intentions. It seems like they’re trying to help us,Aria pointed out.Honestly, we need all the help we can get, Sariel.

I closed my eyes briefly. She was right—my angel didn’t sense anything malicious from them. However, he was also bouncing between being completely subdued around Aria and being hyper-protective. I couldn’t trust his instincts right now when they were going haywire.

Stay here. I’ll go out and talk to them,I said.

By yourself?

Yes, by myself. And if something goes wrong, run. Run like hell, Aria.

I slipped out of our hiding spot and unfolded myself to my full height. I moved before they could spot me—I couldn’t give Aria’s hiding spot away.

I’ll beat your ass when we get out of this, Sariel. Do you hear me? I’m going to shake you violently for thinking I would abandon you.

Baby, if we get out of this, I’ll let you.

“Sariel,” Penelope breathed once she saw me. She clasped her hands in front of her, but not before she could hide their slight tremors. She glanced around frantically. “Where is Aria?”

“She’s safe for now,” I said.

Grel and I eyed each other. I might never fully accept him as my brother, but that didn’t change the fact that he was. While I tried not to stare at the mangled side of his face as he stared back at me, I saw the wound in a new light—this fae, who shared some of my blood, had survived something horrific yet continued to serve his King and Queen. Begrudging respect blossomed in the pit of my stomach.

“So, this is Sariel,” an airy voice whispered, and I whipped around as two other fae entered the maze. They were women and could have been Penelope’s identical siblings if it weren’t obvious that they were much younger than she was. They shared the same soft, hazel eyes and long blonde hair, the same round face and pouty, rose-colored mouth, and the same build, too.

More siblings. I frowned. “What is this? An impromptu family reunion?”

“Well…” one of the women started.

“No.” Grel barked, glaring at them. “And you two shouldn’t be here. Where is Chiso? Shouldn’t you be watching him?”

“Sariel,” Penelope said, snagging my attention. “These are my eldest daughters. Aki and Kora.”

“I gathered as much. Why are they here? Why areyouhere?”

“We want to help you escape,” Grel said. “We were going to help you leave through the underground tunnels, but that can’t happen because your brother and two of your friends are in the dungeons.”

“Are you two the ones with royal blood?” I said, swiveling back to the women standing near the entrance. They stilled, and I watched one of them glance at the fountain warily.

“Their blood won’t open the portal,” Grel clarified. “It has to be a direct descendant of the previous King or Queen, or their parents before that, and so on. The current monarchs and Lucia are the only ones who can open it, and they’re out of the question; Tarragon and Blossom are obvious, and Lucia is loyal only to herself and the people.”

I snorted. “And my brother.”

The twins' eyes widened, and Penelope gasped, clutching her chest dramatically at the revelation.

Grel’s eyes narrowed. “Michaelson?”

I nodded. “She’s trying to get them out of the dungeons right now.”