Page 32 of Runaway Mate


Marilyn moved so fast the entire training ground stilled.

The only thing I could see was Rose’s expression when Marilyn suddenly appeared before her, fist raised like she’d purposefully slowed down just so that we could see it land hard.

Rose screamed as Marilyn’s fist collided with her nose, which Reese had just broken. Marilyn didn't just land one blow, though—she landed multiple in rapid succession. Following this, while Rose was agonizing over her face, Marilyn dropped, made a sweeping motion with her leg, and sent Rose tumbling to the floor.

“Out!” Lucia announced.

“That was impressive,” Sariel said from behind me. Goosebumps erupted along my arms and the back of my neck. I turned to him; his eyes were already on me, his lips pressed into a tight line. “Is there any chance I could convince you not to get in that ring?”

I laughed. “No, I’m afraid not.”

He nodded, running his tongue along his bottom lip. “Okay. I take it you’re aware you’ll have to tap me in….”

“You arenotgetting in my ring,” Lucia said, pointing at him. He bristled. “Aria Gribald versus Sunny Lakestorm,” she proceeded to announce.

Sariel chuckled at my opponent's name. When Sunny stepped into the ring, though, all humor was wiped from his expression.

Everyone paused. Even Neo, who was focused on Reese, turned to me sharply.

Sunny was huge and wore a menacing smirk as I took a step toward the ring.

“Holy shit,” Johnny breathed. “Jesus Christ— what thefuckare they feeding these guys?”

“Homegrown shit,” Marilyn quipped. “Healthy shit.”

Sariel grabbed me, his grip tightening as he seemed to struggle with himself. I waited patiently.

“He’s not going to kill me,” I said gently. His eyes flashed, and I snapped my mouth shut.

“That doesn’t make it better,” he said, laughing hollowly thereafter. “I’m going to lose my mind… Go. Be careful, be smart, and tap Marilyn or Mikey in.”

Johnny frowned. “Why not me?”

“Because you don’t like to fight, and you’d just exhaust him,” Marilyn grumbled. “We can’t be here that long.”

Sariel pressed a kiss to my forehead and let me go.

I climbed into the ring, and then Sunny and I shook hands. His grip was strong, but he didn’t try any dirty tricks. We backed away to take our spots.

I hadn’t seen much of Sunny’s powers, but I could make an assumption from the way he was built that he likely controlled the Earth. That wouldn’t be too terrible to deal with. Besides, he was a huge target; the real problem would be getting him on his ass. The bigger they were, the slower they were and the harder they fell, at least.


Or so I thought. Sunny was far too light on his feet.

He landed the first blow, his muddy brown eyes glinting darkly when I stumbled into the rope behind me. I moved out of his way reflexively when he tried to box me in.

He moved with me, his fist colliding with my stomach.


I dropped quickly, spinning out so that I was behind him. I slammed my fist into the middle of his back and then lower to where his kidney should be. He paused and then swiveled his head to smirk at me over his shoulder.

I gulped when he turned slowly.

“Nice form,” he mocked. “You punch like a girl, though. Put some more power into them.”