Page 75 of Fallen Mate

“Yes. You can travel to almost any major city in the world through our Portal transports, but you can only enter them through a Port Station in Europe, like this one or the one in Prague.”

“Wait a second. Hold on… just one second,” Reese said, holding up her hand. “How many of these entry Stations are there in Europe? And why aren’t there any in America?”

Malachi frowned, moving a stray strand of hair out of his face. “Because America is governed by the Council.”

“And they don’t approve of a travel update like this one?” Neo asked, incredulity coloring his tone.

“They don’t approve of most things,” Malachi pointed out, motioning to the rest of the room. “Almost everyone here has fled from a place where the Upper Council has been left to run rampant. Do you see their numbers? Do you see the elation on their faces? This is their first true taste of freedom, and it’s as sweet as honey, as humans like to say. We fae prefer ambrosia.”

I glanced around at the other people who’d filtered into the church. He was right; there was something incredibly freeing in the way they moved and spoke, the way partners were looking at each other, and the way parents were hurrying their children outside. There was carefree laughter, and better yet, I could sense that they were all supernaturals. From vampires to witches to wolves, they were here, and some were even paired together.

“Where are we?” I blurted. I didn’t recognize the church.

“The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist,” Johnny said, an adorable reverence in his tone that made both Marilyn and I chuckle. “We’re in Fira. Capital of Santorini, Greece.”

I was frozen for only a second before I clutched my backpack straps and made a beeline for the door.

Greece was one of the most beautiful places on the planet, somewhere I’d longed to visit. A place I never thought was within my reach was suddenly just outside these doors—

Sariel’s body appeared before me, and I slammed into him with anoof. He grabbed my arms as I began to fall backward. “Settle down, Miss Eager. We’re not here to sightsee—”

“On the contrary,” Malachi interrupted. “Feel free. Consider this a short tour, because we can’t very well visit every Port in Europe.”

My eyebrows disappeared into my hairline. “Every Port?” His earlier words came back to me. “The colony isn’t just one place, is it?”

“Huh?” Neo asked.

“It’s the whole of Europe,” I whispered.

Malachi beamed. “That is correct.”

Sariel bristled behind me while Marilyn gaped.

“Nice,” Michaelson muttered.

“That’s impossible,” Reese said. “There are governments, and there’s… I mean… the media would’ve gotten wind of it! We would… we would know!”

“Well, if your rulers were the Upper Council, sure,” Malachi laughed. “But ours hasbecomethe media.”

Marilyn’s mouth closed, then reopened. “Holy fucking shit.”

“My sentiments exactly,” Neo said, expression dazed. “How do they do it? How do they manage that many? Plus, the King of England…?”

“By using their own man-made government,” Malachi said with a shrug, finally moving towards the door. “Every country has a representative with whom the King and Queen communicate with regarding new laws and such. Nothing happens without their express permission.”

Neo’s eyes narrowed. “So, the humans… do they know? Are they just cool with it?”

Malachi pushed open the door, and my heart sang as we stepped out onto the street. The cool breeze blasted us, making me shiver.

Sariel moved on autopilot, shrugging off his pack and jacket to tuck me into it before lifting his pack back on again. It left him in only a thin gray t-shirt, which did not help how the air caused my nipples to pebble, nor the sharp sting of excitement in my gut at being in Greece!

I was in Greece!

“I’m in Greece!” I blurted, interrupting whatever Malachi had begun to explain to Neo.

“We’re in Greece!” Neo echoed. “And apparently, the humans don’t discriminate!”

Santorini was incredible. Sure, we were on the run, and sure, our lives were in danger, but when Sariel handed me a wad of cash and motioned towards the little boutique I’d been glancing at, I didn’t bother trying to tell him that I had my own money. When Reese and Marilyn tagged along and we spent a ridiculous amount of money on dresses, I felt alive.