“Have you ever wanted to—”
“Enough!” Sariel snapped. I couldn’t stop him in time, but Johnny was ahead of me, blocking Sariel’s path in a single stride. I zoned them out as I focused on Jae and Mikey.
“—cause harm to one of your own?”
We stilled. Jae’s lips twitched, and I had to suppress the urge to slap her.
“Do you think about it often?”
Sariel hissed. “Ask him if it’s our father.”
Jae eyed him suspiciously. “That’s not in the line of—”
“Just fucking ask him!”
Jae frowned. “Have you ever wanted to cause harm to your father?”
Deathly quiet ensued. I had to gulp around the ball of emotion that had rolled into the back of my throat to choke me.
“Now ask him if he’s ever wanted to harm one of his own other than his father,” Sariel suggested, jerking free of Johnny’s hold. Jae fidgeted, and Sariel took a menacing step toward her. “Ask him already.”
“Have you ever wanted to harm one of your own other than your father?”
“Ask him if it was his brother, then ask him the question again. Don’t act stupid.”
Jae’s entire being shifted and refocused at the insult. My wolf paced the length of my consciousness as she tried to soothe Sariel’s angel.
“Have you ever wanted to harm your brother?”
A pang of hurt filtered through the bond, and protectiveness surged within me.
“Ask him the first question again. Add ‘except your father and brother.’”
Jae obliged.
I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding.
Jae released him, and Sariel was there, catching his brother as he slumped forward.
Johnny’s eyes flashed with his as he turned to Jae. “I thought you said it wouldn’t hurt him?”
She rolled her eyes. “It won’t. He’s under a lot of emotional duress. I put him to sleep, so he didn’t pass out on you. Angels are delicate things.”
She smiled, flashing us a mouthful of ridiculously white teeth. “Looks like you’ll be going to Europe.”