Page 67 of Fallen Mate

Those were my sentiments exactly.

“What do you need my help with, Sariel?” he asked as I passed my hand over his hair affectionately. “And who the hell are those people you were with?”

A small smile spread across my face.

“You know Johnny already,” I started. “The witch who did the teleportation spell is his girlfriend. She was also a Para?”

“A witch and a wolf?” he asked slowly, pulling away to see my face.

I nodded. “That’s their story to tell, I guess. The other man is Neo. He was a Heaven-appointed angel sentenced to death for high treason against the Upper Council. He shared a cell with Aria, she got attached, and I’m incapable of telling her no.”

“A Heaven-appointed angel sentenced to death for high treason?” he echoed in disbelief. “Like, white wings and everything?”

I shrugged. “I haven’t seen them yet, but I’m assuming so. Anyway, the tiny human that smells like chemicals is Reese. She helped Aria escape a bad situation a while back. Johnny enlisted her help to break us out of the Isolation Center.”

“And the model is your mate, right? Aria Gribald?”

In the grand scheme of things, my brother considering my mate a model would have made me laugh. Unfortunately, I existed in the small scheme of things. where my life as I knew it had long been upended by a pretty wolf with a penchant for attracting trouble.

And I, a man that had never been jealous or possessive a day in my life, was suddenly growling at my brother.

I snapped out of it when he jerked away from me. “Sorry,” I soothed. “Sorry. I don’t know how to explain it without sounding crazy, but my angel is very possessive of her. I can’t help it.”

“Where do I fit into all this?”

“We found a safe haven in Europe for refugees escaping the Upper Council,” I explained. “We have to gain their trust before they can agree to let us into this safe haven.”

“Okay,” he said, brows furrowed. “...I’m still lost.”

“They appoint tasks to people wanting to join, and ours was to bring a willing family member of one of the Council members with us. One that wasn’t me, obviously.”

“I’m assuming the family member gets refuge as well if they need it?” he asked carefully.

God. He was asking if he could come along, as though I would have given him any other choice.

“Yes,” I answered quickly. “Absolutely.”

He stared at me for a prolonged minute, then nodded jerkily.

“I’ll do it.”




Jae met us at a carnival.

She’d apparently never experiencedthiskind of carnival; she’d been more exposed to the Caribbean definition of the word. When we found her, a stick of cotton candy melting in her hand, she looked genuinely disappointed.

In her thick accent, she informed us that this was a shitty kids' show, and she couldn’t believe she’d wasted ten bucks just to watch a clown purposefully drop his balls.

Despite the chill in the air, she looked like something out of The Matrix with her low-cut leather pants and bralette. Her dark hair had been piled atop her head in intricate braids, and her makeup was dark and smoky. The outfit made her stand out starkly against the colorfully-dressed children and their frazzled-looking parents.

She ushered us to the back of a huge tent, where we could make out the faint sound of people chattering.

Sariel and Michaelson hung back, both the picture of nervousness. When Jae’s eyes landed on Michaelson, I felt Sariel’s fear and anxiety like they were my own. I stepped closer to him as I attempted to send comfort down the bond, but he shuddered even as his gratitude passed back to me.