If the ease with which Sariel could contact his brother wasn’t suspicious, then the ease with which Michaelson agreed to meet him was.
We were prepared for the trap. We wielded a plan that we prayed would go off without a hitch if the universe decided to smile down on us, and held a backup plan in our pockets in case it didn’t. Both plans hinged on Marilyn’s handy teleportation spell.
We chose an overgrown park on the other side of the city. Sariel went alone, and I stayed back to let the others know what was happening. I was twitching with the discontent my wolf was exuding—she wasn’t happy that we’d let her mate go into uncharted territory unprotected.
Meanwhile, Sariel’s angel was insulted that she thought he couldn’t protect himself, while I was just nervous in general. I knew how Azazel thought. Who knew if he’d brought Tyler with him, or if he had reinforcements?
He’s here, Sariel said, snapping me out of my reverie.He looks like shit.
Got it. Is he alone?
As far as I can see, yes.
“Showtime, guys. Sariel says that as far as he can see, Michaelson’s alone,” I informed them.
Just to clarify, I need to get him in the circle with me, right?
“Marilyn, he just wants to clarify that he needs to get his brother in the circle with him before the spell can be activated,” I relayed.
“Yup,” she answered, adding the finishing touches to the circle she’d made in the dirt.
Yes. Remember he has to come to you, I added.
He looks sick, Sariel said.Really sick.
Don’t do anything irrational, Sariel. You can freak out after you get him to the rendezvous point.
The rendezvous point was us, of course. We were waiting in a car parked at the back of the motel. Neo was in the driver’s seat, Reese was in the passenger seat, and Marilyn, Johnny, and I were positioned in a circle in case Michaelson made a fuss and we had to subdue him until he was ready to talk to his brother.
He reeks of fallen-blood wolves, like Tyler.
I could feel his tension. I mourned not being able to hear what was being said between them, but I concentrated on the bond enough to feel what he was feeling. The moment betrayal filtered through, I turned to Marilyn.
“Get ready.”
Is he in the circle, Sariel?
One more step, he answered.And Azazel is here. With Tyler.
Fear erupted in me.
“Azazel and Tyler are there,” I informed the others distractedly.
“Shit. Make sure they don’t get in the circle,” Marilyn said.
Marilyn says to make sure they’re not in the circle—
He’s in, Sariel snapped.Hurry, before they—
“Go, Marilyn,” I yelled. Johnny and I braced ourselves when the circle lit up.
Within seconds, Sariel and his brother materialized.
Michaelson really did look like shit. It was like the life had been sucked out of him. His cheeks were hollow and his hair was overgrown, to the point that it reminded me of Azazel’s. On that note, Azazel’s genes ran strong in him in general; it was like looking at a younger version of the man.
It only just now occurred to me that I’d never actually met Michaelson before.
Michaelson swayed on his feet, his brows furrowed in confusion at the sight of us. He turned to Sariel, who acted before we even noticed that Michaelson was about to pass out, catching him before he hit the ground.