Page 42 of Fallen Mate

I glanced at Aria to get confirmation that she was also confused about where this was going.

“What I mean is… you two being here is a symbol of hope, you know? For those who are hiding their relationships, or those forced to hide because of their parentage. I doubt it’s public knowledge, but news travels fast, and I’m sure anyone who hears about you, what you are, and how your relationship is might be inspired to take the chance to make themselves safe, you know?”

I blinked at Kai. “I thought the Resistance wanted to remain lowkey until the right time? You’re suggesting that… what? We advertise that we found a safe space at the Resistance?”

“You’re underestimating the hold fear has on people,” Marilyn interjected from where she was eavesdropping. “Let’s say we make Sariel the face of interspecies breeding, or for the Resistance being a safe space for mixed species offspring. He acts normal, the only real issue with him being his temper, and he’s aesthetically acceptable to the rest of society, including humans. What about half-bloods who are nothing like that? Some of them are grotesque.”

I nodded. “Even if we did advertise the Resistance as somewhere safe for them, they would be leaving their unassuming hideaways—where they were undoubtedly much safer—and coming to a place that’s had a target painted on its back for hundreds of years. Coupled with the fact that advertising the Resistance would garner more attention, that makes this an all-around terrible suggestion.”

“Don’t misunderstand,” Aria said, reaching for Kai’s hands when the woman’s expression fell. “The compound is gorgeous, and I love the energy. It’s like a big family. If push comes to shove, I hope my family can find a home here.”

Kai nodded. “Of course. Leave their names with me. They are welcome here at any time.”

“Thank you, Kai,” Aria said with a smile. “What Sariel wastryingto say was that it would be dangerous to draw too much attention to a place like this, especially not now. Tensions are high, and we’re being hunted. Maybe later, when the Upper Council has been weakened, or when we’re stronger and can stand on an even playing field with them.”

“Understood,” Kai said. She reached into her back pocket and produced a ring of keys. She took some off and passed one to Neo, then another to Reese. “Anyways, these are your room keys. The number matches the door.”

She flipped one over to show a little piece of tape with a number written on it.

“These are for you two,” she continued, handing yet another one to Aria and the other to Johnny. “I will see you all tomorrow for breakfast, hopefully.”

It wasn’t until she disappeared around the building’s corner that I realized she hadn’t given me my own key. I’d be sharing with Aria.

“Does anyone else find this really cool?” Reese asked. “They’re completely self-sustaining. Like an entire mini-society.”

“It’s impressive, alright, and whoever is funding it filthy fucking rich,” I said. “I get the feeling they don’t even know the Head is.”

“I wouldn’t bat an eye at shit like that if I was living here forfree.Rent is just manual labor? There’s no money to worry about, or bills, or societal prejudice, misgivings, and constructs. If Satan himself was funding this, I would pretend I didn't know anything.”

Neo made an affirmative sound. “When we were in the Resistance, it was completely different. You had to pay a percentage of your salary or something to keep the place funded.”

“True. This place isn’t well protected, though. There aren’t enough trained people here to take on even one Para as strong as Marilyn,” I pointed out.

“That might be true of them, but the Director alone could make me look like a damn child,” Marilyn said.

She and Neo shuddered in unison, and goosebumps broke out across my skin.

“Really?” Aria asked skeptically. “He seemed so fragile.”

“You didn’t feel the energy coming off of him?” Neo asked. “The hairs on my body stand on end when he looks at me for too long.”

“I just think he’s an adorable old man,” she admitted with a pout.

I locked eyes with Neo. It was possible that he wasn’t yet aware of how strong we were, but based on how he looked between Aria and me, he was probably starting to get it.

Marilyn balked at her. “Aria, what the fuck? Even I get a little anxious when I’m around him for too long.”

Aria shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Anyway,” I cut in, changing the topic, “this place has potential. If we could train a few eligible people, they might stand a chance next to the Director. I’m sure he’s strong, but everyone gets stronger with a little support.”

“I like that idea,” Neo chimed in. “I wouldn’t mind volunteering to train them either. They seem pretty eager to learn.”

“You want to train civilians to fight against Paras and the Council?” Marilyn asked. “I just want to clarify what you’re implying.”

Neo frowned. “Why not?Youused to be a civilian at one point.”

“Neo, I was gifted from a young age and went through hell to get where I am. If you think any Para worth half their salt can be compared to a civilian who is likely unfit and ill-disciplined, you’ve lost your mind. Do you know the kind of regime we’re forced to keep up to stay fit and prepared? These people would not make it.”