‘Great!’ He handed her another business card, this one with his private number scribbled on the back, and left.

A couple of months ago, being pursued by a top music producer would’ve been a dream come true. And yet, Eva could barely summon the enthusiasm to dress the next day, especially when Romeo confirmed he’d given Zaccheo her message but had no reply for her.

Jaw clenched, she pulled on her jeans and sweater, determined not to succumb to the unending bouts of anguish that had made her throw up this morning after her conversation with Romeo.

She wasn’t a pearl-clutching Victorian maiden, for heaven’s sake!

Her life might feel as if it were over, but she’d been through the wringer more than once in her life. She’d survived her diagnosis. She’d survived her mother’s death. Despite the odds, she’d mended fences with her father and sister.

Surely she could survive decimating her heart on a love that had been doomed from the start?

Deliberately putting a spring in her step, she arrived at Ziggy’s studio in a different frame of mind. Looking around, she repeated to herself that this was a tangible dream. Something she could hang on to once Zaccheo returned and she permanently severed the ties that had so very briefly bound them.

Eva was sure she was failing in her pep talk to herself when Ziggy gave up after a third attempt to get her to sample an upbeat pop tune.

‘Okay, shall we try one of yours?’ he suggested with a wry smile.

Half-heartedly, she sifted through her list, then paused, her heart picking up its sluggish beat as she stared at the lyrics to the song she’d composed that last morning on the island.

‘This one,’ she murmured.

At Ziggy’s nod, she sang the first line.

His eyes widened. ‘Wow.’ Nodding to the sound booth, he said, ‘I’d love to hear the whole thing if you’re up to it?’

Eva thought of the raw lyrics, how they offered love, pleaded for for ever and accepted any risks necessary, and breathed deeply.

If this was what it took to start healing herself, then so be it. ‘Sure.’

She was singing the final notes when an electrifying wave of awareness swept over her. Her gaze snapped up to the viewing gallery above the booth, where she knew music moguls sometimes listened in on artists. Although the mirrored glass prevented her from seeing who occupied it, she swore she could smell Zaccheo’s unique scent.

‘Are you okay?’ Ziggy asked.

She nodded absently, her gaze still on the gallery window.

‘Can you sing the last two lines again?’

‘Umm...yes,’ she mumbled.

She really was losing it. If she couldn’t sing a song she’d written with Zaccheo in mind without imagining she could feel him, smell him, she was in deep trouble. Because as she worked through the other songs Ziggy encouraged her to record, Eva realised all her songs were somehow to do with the man who’d taken her heart prisoner.

She left the studio in a daze and got into the waiting limo. Physically and emotionally drained, she couldn’t connect two thoughts together. When she finally accepted what she needed to do, she turned to Romeo.

‘Can you take me to Zaccheo’s office, please?’

He looked up from the laptop he’d been working on. After a few probing seconds, he nodded.

A wave of dizziness hit her as they waited for the lift at GWI. She ignored the curious glances, and concentrated on staying upright, putting one foot in front of the other as she made her way down the plushly decorated corridor to Zaccheo’s office.

Anyetta’s coolly professional demeanour visibly altered when she saw Eva, then turned to shock as her gaze travelled from her head to her toes.

Eva wanted to laugh, but she couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t dissolve into hysteria. When Anyetta stood, Eva waved her away.

‘I know he’s not in. I was hoping you would email him for me.’


‘It won’t take long, I promise.’

The tall brunette looked briefly bewildered, but her features settled back into serene composure and she sat down.

‘Mark it urgent. Presumably, you can tell when he opens emails from you?’ Eva asked.

Warily, Zaccheo’s PA nodded.

‘Good.’ Eva approached, pushing back the errant curls obscuring her vision. She folded her arms around her middle and prayed for just a few more minutes of strength.

Anyetta’s elegant fingers settled on the keyboard.

Eva cleared her throat.


Since you refuse to engage with me, I can only conclude that I’m free of my obligations to you. To that end, I’d be grateful if you would take the appropriate steps to end this marriage forthwith. My family lawyers will be on standby when you’re ready, but I’d be obliged if you didn’t leave it too late. I refuse to put my life on hold for you, so take action or I will.