‘Careful with that, Mrs Giordano. That lace is delicate.’

She dropped the dress, her heart hammering far too fast for her liking. ‘Don’t call me that. I’m not Mrs Giordano—’

‘Not yet, at least, right, bellissima?’

Eva heard the collective breaths of the women in the room catch. She turned as Zaccheo strode in. His eyes were fixed on her, flashing a warning that made her nape tingle. Before she could respond, he lifted her hands to kiss her knuckles, one after the other. Her breathing altered precariously as the silky hairs of his beard and the warm caress of his mouth threw her thoughts into chaos.

‘It’s only a few short days until we’re husband and wife, sì?’ he murmured intimately, but loud enough so every ear in the room caught the unmistakeable statement of possession.

She struggled to think, to speak, as sharp grey eyes locked with hers.

‘No...I mean, yes...but let’s not tempt fate. Who knows what could happen in a few short days?’ She fully intended to have placed this nightmare far behind her.

His thumbs caressed the backs of her hands in false intimacy. ‘I’ve moved mountains to make you mine, il mio prezioso. Nothing will stand in my way.’ His accent was slightly more pronounced, his tone deep and captivating.

Envious sighs echoed around the room, but Eva shivered at the icy intent behind his words. She snatched her hands from his. Or she attempted to.

‘In that case, I think you ought to stop distracting me so I can get on with making myself beautiful for you.’ She hoped her smile looked as brittle as it felt. That her intention to end this was clear for him to see. ‘Or was there something in particular you wanted?’

His eyes held hers for another electrifying second before he released her. ‘I came to inform you that your belongings have been unpacked.’ He surveyed the room, his gaze taking in the organised chaos. ‘And to enquire whether you wish to have lunch with me or whether you want lunch brought to you so you can push through?’ He turned back to her, his gaze mockingly stating that he knew her choice before she responded.

She lifted her chin. ‘Seeing as this makeover was a complete surprise that I’d have to make time for, we’ll take lunch in here, please.’

He ignored her censorious tone and nodded. ‘Your wish is my command, dolcezza. But I insist you be done by dinnertime. I detest eating alone.’

She bit her tongue against a sharp retort. The cheek of him, making demands on her time when he’d been the one to call in the stylists in the first place! She satisfied herself with glaring at his back as he walked out, his tall, imposing figure owning every square inch of space he prowled.

* * *

The women left three excruciating hours later. The weak sun was setting in grey skies by the time Eva dragged her weary body across the vast hallway towards the suite she’d occupied last night. Her newly washed and styled hair bounced in silky waves down her back and her face tingled pleasantly from the facial she’d received before the barely there make-up had been applied.

The cashmere-soft, scooped-neck grey dress caressed her hips and thighs as she approached her door. She’d worn it only because Vivian had insisted. Eva hadn’t had the heart to tell her she intended to leave every single item untouched. But Eva couldn’t deny that the off-shoulder, floor-length dress felt elegant and wonderful and exactly what she’d have chosen to wear for dinner. Even if it was a dinner she wasn’t looking forward to.

Her new four-inch heels clicked on the marble floor as she opened the double doors and stopped. Her hands flew to cover her mouth as she surveyed the room. Surprise was followed a few seconds later by a tingle of awareness that told her she was no longer alone.

Even then, she couldn’t look away from the sight before her.

‘Is something wrong?’ Zaccheo’s enquiry made her finally turn.

He was leaning against the door frame, his hands tucked into the pockets of his black tailored trousers. The white V-necked sweater caressed his muscular arms and shoulders and made his grey eyes appear lighter, almost eerily silver. His slightly damp hair gleamed a polished black against his shoulders and his beard lent him a rakish look that was absolutely riveting.

His gaze caught and held hers for several seconds before conducting a detailed appraisal over her face, hair and down her body that made the tingling increase. When his eyes returned to hers, she glimpsed a dark hunger that made her insides quake.

Swallowing against the pulse of undeniable attraction, she turned back to survey the room.