She didn’t want to be trapped into yet another consequence of being a Pennington. She wanted to be free of the guilty resentment lurking in her heart at the thought that nothing she did would ever be enough for her family. Or the sadness that came with the insurmountable knowledge that her sister would continue to block any attempt to forge a relationship with her father.

She especially didn’t want to be trapped in any way with Zaccheo Giordano. That display of his displeasure a few moments ago had reminded her she wanted nothing to do with him. And it was not about his temper but what she’d felt when her body had been thrust against his. She’d wanted to be held there...indefinitely.

Touching him.

Soothing his angry brow and those brief flashes of pain she saw in his eyes when he thought she wasn’t looking.

God, even a part of her wanted to coax out that heart-stopping smile she’d glimpsed so very rarely when he was pursuing her!

What was wrong with her?

‘Is that the one you wish for?’

She jumped and stared down at the stone that had somehow found its way into her palm. She blinked in shock.

The diamond was the largest on the tray and twice as obscene as the one that had graced her finger last night. No wonder Zaccheo sounded so disparaging.

‘No!’ She hastily dropped it back into its slot. ‘I’d never wear anything so gratuitous.’

His coldly mocking gaze made her cringe. ‘Really?’

Irritation skated over her skin. ‘For your information, I didn’t choose that ring.’

‘But you accepted it in the spirit it was given—as the cost of buying your body in exchange for shares in Penningtons?’

Icy rage replaced her irritation. ‘Your continuous insults make me wonder why you want to put up with my presence. Surely revenge can’t be as sweet as you wish it if the object of your punishment enrages you this much?’

‘Perhaps I enjoy tormenting you.’

‘So I’m to be your punching bag for the foreseeable future?’

‘Is this your way of trying to find out how long your sentence is to be?’

‘A sentence implies I’ve done something wrong. I know I’m innocent in whatever you believe I’ve done.’

His smile could’ve turned a volcano into a polar ice cap. ‘I’ve found that proclamations of innocence don’t count for a thing, not when the right palm is greased.’

She inhaled at the fury and bitterness behind his words. ‘Zaccheo...’

Whatever feeble reply she’d wanted to make died when his eyes hardened.

‘Choose the diamond you prefer or I’ll choose it for you.’

Eva turned blindly towards the table and pointed to the smallest stone. ‘That one.’


She gritted her teeth. ‘Why not?’

‘Because it’s pink.’

‘No, it’s not...’ She leaned closer, caught the faint pink glow, and frowned. ‘Oh. I thought—’

A mirthless smile touched his lips. ‘So did I. Perhaps I’ll change bankers after all.’ He lifted the cover of the second tray and Eva stared dispassionately at the endless rows of sparkling jewels. None of them spoke to her. Her heart hammered as it finally dawned on her why.

‘Is there any reason why you want to buy me a new ring?’

He frowned. ‘Scusi?’

‘When you proposed the first time, you gave me a different ring. I’m wondering why you’re buying me a different one. Did you lose it?’ Despite the circumstances surrounding his proposal and her subsequent rejection of him, she’d loved that simple but exquisite diamond and sapphire ring.

‘No, I didn’t lose it.’ His tone was clipped to the point of brusqueness.

‘Then why?’

‘Because I do not wish you to have it.’

Her heart did an achy little dance as she waited for further elaboration. When she realised none would be forthcoming, she pulled her gaze from his merciless regard and back to the display.

He didn’t want her to have it. Why? Because the ring held special meaning? Or because she was no longer worthy of it?

Berating herself for feeling hurt, she plucked a stone from the middle of the tray. According to the size chart it sat in mid-range, a flawless two carat, square-cut that felt light in her palm. ‘This one.’ She turned and found him staring at her, his gaze intense yet inscrutable.

Wordlessly, he held out his hand.

Her fingers brushed his palm as she dropped the stone and she bit back a gasp as that infernal electricity zinged up her arm.