Page 21 of Turned By The Pawn

“Getting answers,” Ivan says it like this is something natural and acceptable.

“Why the fuck is she strapped to a table and naked? And why the fuck is your cock out?” Vlad yells. Vlad never loses his cool like this. I’m so fucking confused, he told Ivan he had an hour with me and I know for a fucking fact it has been at least a day or more since I’ve been with him. The bastard has been snorting coke so he can stay up andenjoyhis time as he put it.

“Beating her wasn’t working. She begged me to fuck her so I couldn’t say no. Fuck her pussy is so tight it strangled the fuck out of my cock.” To drive his point home Ivan licks his lips and hums.

“Get the fuck out now!” Vlad shouts. Ivan shoots me a wink then blows me a kiss as he struts from the room naked as the day he was born, without a care that anyone could see him. Vlad turns his gaze to me and for a second, one split second, I swear I see remorse in his gaze but the look is gone so fast I couldn’t be sure.

“Clean her up then bring her to my office,” he says to Krill before storming out of the room. As soon as Vlad is out of the room and the door shuts behind him, Krill rushes to my side. I open my mouth to thank him but he pins me with a warning look and mouthscameras. I clamp my mouth closed waiting for him to undo my restraints. Once I’m free, he gently grips my arm and helps me into a sitting position. I bite down that hard on my bottom lip to stop the screams from tearing free, so hard that I draw blood. He gently helps me move my legs over the edge of the table, shucks off his jacket and drapes it around my shoulders. His eyes are soft and filled with pity, but when he speaks his voice is firm and hard.

“I’ll help you to your feet then you shower and be ready. Don’t fuck around or keep the Pakhan waiting.” My bottom lip trembles and the lump in my throat stops me from being able to speak, so I nod instead. He helps me to my feet and my legs give way. He catches me before I can fall to the ground. Pain reverberates throughout my body, black spots swarm in my vision. Before I can warn Krill that I’m going to pass out, it’s too late. I become dead weight in his arms.


Three days….

I’ve sat by and waited for a plan to form, a plan that would get my girl back, but each time we think we have a solid one some obstacle pops up forcing us to rethink the plan and start over. Vor went back two days ago and we haven’t heard a word from him or Krill. Andreas assures us that is normal but I have a sinking feeling in my gut that something fucking bad has happened. Bishop told me what they heard Vlad say to Anya, and I just know, whatever she is going through is fucking bad, worse than I could imagine, I’m sure. I look around the room, Knight and Vin sit at a desk on their computers. King is on the phone to the general that works with the Crows. Bishop and Andreas as well as half a dozen other guys stand around a table with the blue prints of Vlad’s club where we know Anya is being held. Andreas has had his men scattered around the city. He has men tailing all Vlad’s captains and other high ranking members.

“Dre, we have incoming,” Brock, one of Andreas’s computer guys, says as he nods toward the ninety-inch monitor that hangs on the wall. We all watch as Vor storms toward the gym with a bleak look on his face. I’m racing out of the room to meet him, ignoring everyone’s shouts to come back. Just as I reach the door that will lead me to the flight of stairs that reach the gym, I’m tackled into the wall. I throw my hands ready to pummel the fucker but pause when I see it’s Knight.

“What the fuck was that?” I shout as I shove him back a step, only for him to crowd me again.

“You can’t run off half-cocked, you dick. Vor took a detour because he was followed. If you ran up there you would have given us away!”

“You fucking–wait, what?” Knight shakes his head then pins me with an annoyed look.

“When you ran out another car pulled in behind him.”

“Fuck!” I snarl as I scrub a hand down my face in frustration. Knight pats me on the shoulder and his eyes soften a smidge.

“Believe it or not, we all know how you feel in a certain way. When Ally was taken, we all felt it, King more so of course, but I swear, Gage, we’ll get your girl back. And then, we can finally go home and I can see my fucking girl and be there for the birth of my kids. But I need him, Gage, I can’t leave here without him.” Hearing him talk about Koby and their twins has guilt settling inside me.

“I won’t leave Russia until we get Rook back. We’ll get them both back and I swear to God you won’t miss the birth of the twins. I won’t let you,” I say with a smile.

“Neither will I.” We both turn to see Bishop and King standing in the hallway wearing looks of unease. Bish focuses his gaze on me and I stiffen. “Vor’s gone. He sent a message letting us know he’s being tailed and Krill is with Anya.” I can tell from the way his left eye is twitching that he is holding back.

“What else?” I press. Bish takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Vor said we need to make a move within a day or Anya will die. She has been her uncle’s captive for the past three days. According to Andreas, Ivan is worse than Vlad. I want that fucker’s head on a pike for what he did to our brother, so we move tonight.”

My emotions threaten to take hold of me as pictures of her bloodied and broken on the floor flash through my mind. I push those pictures aside and latch onto my anger. I need to keep focused until I get her in my arms, then I can lose control and tear her fucking uncle and father apart piece by fucking piece for touching what is mine. Make no fucking mistake, here and now I will admit it, Anya Volkov is mine. No one hurts what is mine and gets to live.

* * *

We all stand around the table with the blueprints. Andreas and at least twelve of his guys stand on the end. We have almost a dozen phones scattered around the table with other members of his crew listening in, waiting for their orders. Bishop stepped outside to call Tony, having Tony’s guys here would make it three to one but there isn’t enough time to fly them in. Bishop called hoping Tony would have friends here or near the borders to help us. The odds aren’t good but I guess Bish had to try. Truth is, we have the element of surprise on our side and the Bratva has no idea that the Crows have infiltrated their armies and police force. With the plan we have they won’t have a chance to call for backup. We’ll be inside their club before they can call the troops in to help them.

“…Alek is also back with them.” I tune back into the conversation at the mention of Mav, there is a special place in hell for that motherfucker! Andreas disclosed that he has three men that work for the same network as Vin and he was able to confirm that Mav was definitely the one to order the hit on my sister. If it had been anyone else that accepted the job and not Vin, Carlina would be dead.

“He’s mine!” King growls. We have also learned that Mav was the one to give up Ally’s location to Mikey and Donny. King has been white knuckling the edge of the table for an hour trying to tame his anger. If I was in his situation, I would be feeling the same.

“We focus on getting in first,” Andreas says cutting me, Knight, King and Vin a look. “I know each of you have your reasons for wanting to kill each of them but–”

Knight cuts Andreas off. “There is nobuts. We are the ones granting you access to the US to expand your businesses, we’re also the ones gaining you a foothold in the casino chains in China, Japan, Soul and Australia. Don’t think for a second because you have the manpower and we don’t at this moment we are weak.” My brows jump to my hairline surprised as hell to hear Knight talking business. For someone who wants nothing to do with this shit, he could have fooled me.

“I forget nothing!” Andreas sneers clearly pissed off thanks to Knight’s cock-measuring contest. “With the intel you have provided for us, we have managed to move up our timeline greatly and that was enough. Everything you just stated is an extra.” Believe it or not, Andreas is actually a good guy. He doesn’t keep the money he makes from all his business dealings, he actually donates most of it or invests it so he can quadruple his money to then give it to local schools. Bishop enters the room with a disgruntled look on his face, tension rolls off him in waves.

“What is it?” King asks, low enough for only us to hear when Bish reaches his side. Andreas continues speaking to his crew while we converse quietly.

“Tony has people in Mongolia and China but it will take them too long to reach us before we hit Vlad. He’s sending them to us anyway, with more of his guys from Miami flying out within the hour. If shit goes south, his men will be here for backup when they arrive.” That should bring us comfort but it doesn’t. We don’t need them to do this. All we need to do is take down Vlad, Ivan and Mav, then the rest will fall into line. “I can’t pull our guys or Luka away from New York, they need to be there to keep everything running.” We all nod our understanding. “I want Vin on the building across the street watching our backs. King stays with Knight and Gage is with me, never separate.” He looks each of us in the eyes as he speaks, driving his point home. “We take these fuckers down, get our brother and Gage’s girl, then we get the fuck out of this country.”