Page 18 of Turned By The Pawn

“Losing Dante changed me but what Vlad did next destroyed me,” she mumbles against my chest.

“What did he do?” I growl out, knowing full well that whatever she says is going to fucking sting like a bitch.

“After they fled, he beat me unconscious which wasn’t something new.” My hold on her tightens to the point I know it will bruise but can’t find it within myself to care right now. “I woke up in a clinic, I was so confused about how I had gotten there. When a nurse finally came in I begged her to tell me what happened, her and two other nurses ignored me until Ivan finally came in later that afternoon. I’ll never forget the happy look on his face or the smile he wore when he told me that Vlad had ordered a hysterectomy be performed, so that I would never be able to give his future enemy he would marry me off to an heir.” I’m so shocked that I open and close my mouth several times wanting to say something but not knowing what the right thing is to say.I’m sorrydoesn’t seem like it would be wise to say. “My own father, my own fucking blood took away any chance I would ever have at becoming a mother. Earlier, you said you wanted kids and I shut down because I will never be able to have that luxury in the future. I will die never knowing what it’s like to create a life and nurture it inside me until it’s time for it to come into this fucking shitty world.”

I feel her tears against my chest and it fucking destroys me to hear her story and know that I won’t be able to fix this for her. Nothing anyone would do can change the outcome of this situation. Vladimir robbed his own fucking daughter of the chance to become a mother and experience what it might be like to carry a life inside her.

“Your father is a cunt, what he did to you is… I don’t even have words. I swear to you, Anya, I will not leave Russia until your father is dead. I know that will never atone for what he has taken from you but I hope that maybe, just maybe his death will start the process of you being able to heal.” I have no fucking idea where the hell that came from but judging from the way she relaxes fully into me, it was the right thing to say. She pulls back and stares up at me with a timid watery smile.

“For someone who doesn’t want to care or shouldn’t care, you sure seem like you do.” I scoff.

“I never said I didn’t care, I just said I shouldn’t. Somehow you seem to have given me a reason towantto care and that is something I haven’t done in a really long fucking time.”

“When this is all over, I wish… I wish that you would stay and give me a chance to really know you.” Instead of fucking her all night like I had to planned to, we find ourselves talking and sharing memories and stories from our past. It feels so weird to share stories of how I grew up and not be judged but I guess it’s the same for her. Both of us haven’t had an easy life, but because of that, we both know that we will never settle for less than what we know we deserve.


I’ve been a nervous wreck since we dropped Vor and Gage off at some run-down dive bar where they will meet with someone who will take Gage to the Crows’ hideout. Worrying about someone other than myself is new to me and I don’t know if I like it. I have only ever been concerned for three people in my life: one of them is dead and the other two are on the run from my father. Gage Matthews has managed to weasel his way inside me and as much as I want to say I hate it–I don’t. Last night was the first time in my twenty-one years of life where I felt free to speak freely and just be me. Last night Gage didn’t just listen, heheardeverything I said to the point he would cut in and refer back to something I said earlier, that is something so new to me.

Krill pulls up out front of the club. It makes me sick to see the line of people that span down the street trying to get in. They have no idea what goes on at the back of this club. Some of the girls in this line have no fucking clue that they won’t be leaving here tonight if they catch the attention of one of the captains or worse, my father and uncle’s attention. Krill parks the car next to the curb, everyone is staring hoping to catch a glimpse of who is inside. Krill opens my door, not bothering to offer me a hand. He knows the rules, he cannot show me any type of kindness as per Vlad’s orders. I hold my head high and ignore everyone as I walk toward the entrance with Krill right behind me. Ishta opens the red rope with a curt nod of his head letting me through. We pass the first door only to be stopped by Koba. I grit my teeth when the piece of shit runs his hands all over my body, searching me for weapons.

“Ona chistaya,” (she’s clean)he calls to the new guard behind him I don’t recognize. He opens the door and immediately the bass from the music booms. The stench of sweat and body odor permeates my nasal passages and I quickly breath through my mouth as we move forward. Koba darts his arm out stopping us. Krill steps forward pushing me behind him. He may not be able to show me kindness but his job is to make sure I am not harmed–it’s comical really. If Vlad wants to beat me Krill is made to stand back and watch. “Boss khochet yeye videt.” (The boss wants to see her)

Krill doesn’t respond, just turns and motions for me to lead the way to my father’s office. I keep my face blank and head high as I make my way through the packed club. People move out of the way as if they can sense the danger that clings to me. It’s almost like they have a sixth sense that if they get too close, the stench of death that clings to me will rub off on them. Nerves thrum through me the closer I get to the back of the bar where the door that will lead me to my father’s office waits. The guard sees me approaching and swipes his key card, pushing it open. I don’t stop, just continue through the dimly lit hall past all of the fucking red doors. I hate the color red. I hate this place. I hate everything it fucking stands for and what happens behind these fucking doors. I turn left and keep walking with poise knowing they are watching me on the cameras that litter this place. They want to see me squirm and I refuse to give them the satisfaction.

I stop in front of his office door, it’s red like the others but not the same shade. His door seems darker, more foreboding then the others, almost like a shadow has been cast over it. I know I should knock but what’s the point when he has summoned me. He knows I’m here so I throw caution to the wind and open the door. I take one step inside and pause, six guns trained on me. I don’t cower, I look to each of the six captains and wait for them to either grow the balls and pull that fucking trigger or lower their guns. Vlad sits behind his desk with a gleeful smile on his face, the thought of watching me bleed out always brings a smile to his weathered, evil old face.

“Uberi ikh, ona ne ugroza.” (Put them away, she is no threat)The sound of Ivan’s voice draws my attention to the back of the room, where he sits in a wingback chair in front of the fire with a glass of vodka in his hand. His eyes bore into me, and I fight the shiver of unease that crawls through me. He sits there like he is a king in an expensive Armani suit, salt and pepper colored hair slicked back against his head, his green eyes burning with bloodlust. Ivan has a scar that runs from the edge of his jaw all the way to his ear. He got that scar from Dante and Alek’s mother. Needless to say, no one ever heard from my aunt after that day.

“Ostav’ nas!” (Leave us!)Vlad barks. Slowly the captains lower their guns, nod to Vlad and exit the room. Not before shoulder checking me on their way past. I grit my teeth and bare their resentment knowing they hate me because regardless of how Vlad views me, they know I will always rank higher because of who I am to Vlad. Once the room is clear, I step forward but halt at Vlad’s next words that send a pit of dread pooling inside me. “Get out, Krill.” I keep my face blank of emotion and pray to god Vlad can’t see the fear that I am feeling in my eyes.

“Da, Pakhan,” Krill mutters before I hear the door close behind him. The room is bathed in tension-filled silence. I don’t take my eyes off my father even when I hear Ivan stand and move toward us. Vlad and I have the same shaped face, the same cupid’s bow and even the same nose, but what I don’t have is his dark death-filled brown eyes. I have my mother’s eyes and he hates it. Vlad’s hair is starting to gray on the sides and it drives him mad knowing that even he, the great Pakhan, can’t stop his own aging. I fight the gasp that wants to break free when I feel Ivan at my back. He leans down and runs his nose along the column of my exposed neck and inhales.

“You smell so fucking sweet.” He smacks his lips together to drive his point home. Having dealt with his sexual innuendos for years, I know it’s better to just stand here and take it. I almost whimper when he reaches around and cups my tit, squeezing it to the point of pain. I hold my father’s gaze hoping that he will stop this, I fucking hate myself for thinking he would ever come to my aide. “Hmmmm, God, I bet your pussy is so fucking tight.” I can’t fight the shiver of disgust that rolls through, that one mistake is going to cost me. I can see it in Vlad’s eyes when he stands from his chair, he looks over my shoulder to speak directly to my uncle.

“Take my daughter to your playroom, you have an hour to do… whatever you like before I come for answers.” Everything inside me stills, I swear even my heart stops. Ivan’s dark chuckle can barely be heard over the blood roaring in my ears. Vlad has punished me in the past for fucking up, but he has never allowed to Ivan harm me. Sure he knows that his brother is a sick fuck and wants in my pants but he has never let him off his leash. The hatred that shines in my father’s eyes as he looks at me tells me he knows—he knows I have betrayed him and will use me to get the answers he needs in order to take down the Murdoch family. “You disgust me, Anya. You spread you fucking legs like a whore. You’re exactly like your mother. You are worthless, the only thing you had going for you was your untouched cunt and even that is ruined now.” I open my mouth to rebuke his claim but he pushes on. “You really think I didn’t have my whole house under surveillance? I saw you with that American bastard. You spread your legs so fucking easily like a good whore, now you will do the same for my brother.”

“Papa, please–” I don’t even get to finish begging before something smacks me over the back of the head and everything goes dark as I fall to the ground hoping that I won’t wake up. That would be the better outcome than what Ivan will do to me.


Vor and I stand beside each other in an old gym, the bleachers are broken and the basketball hoops are missing from the boards. Graffiti decorates every wall, the stench of piss is strong and has me wanting to gag so I breathe through my mouth. After Krill and Anya dropped us off, we were transported here by two guys that are in the Crows. I don’t trust any of these fuckers, which is why I have a bug from Vin in my pocket and managed to get one on Anya without her knowing. At least this way if shit goes south, my brother’s and Vin will be able to find us and hear everything that is said. Anya may think she can handle herself but Vlad is a wildcard. I wouldn’t put it past him to use his own daughter to get what he wants.

“You’re doing the right thing.” I turn to Vor and quirk a brow in question. I don’t trust this fucker. “You wouldn’t be able to go against Vlad on your own–”

“We have back up, we don’t need you,” I sneer. He shrugs his shoulders and wiggles his brows at me which just serves to piss me off.

“How would they get in since Vlad has the whole country on lock down? All the borders are closed, airports are monitored around the clock so anyone that was coming to aide you would never make it in.”

I smirk. “You’ve never met Tony Bennett, believe me, when Bishop calls, Tony will find a way in and help his future son-in-law end this fucking pathetic war.”

“I know of Tony Bennett. I also know about your family and what you and your brothers have achieved in your country. But you are a fool to doubt Vlad’s reach. He owns Russia, Gage. The schools, hospitals, clubs, airports, police, army… I could go on and on but you wouldn’t grasp the severity of this situation. We know Russia and we know how the Bratva operates. Allow us to help you end this and I swear to you that you will have an ally in the Crows.”

“Yeah?” He nods like a fucking idiot. “Who gave you the permission to offer that deal because we both know you don’t rank high enough to offer me shit!”

“I gave him the permission.” Both Vor and I turn toward the doors in the back and my fucking jaw unhinges at the sight of the man. He’s flanked by two guys I haven’t seen before and walks toward us with a swagger only a dead man could pull off. He stops a foot away from me, we size each other up but my mind is still reeling at the fact he isalive!

“You’re supposed to be dead!” I deadpan. He just smiles and nods to Vor and the others, the three of them exit the gym leaving the two of us alone.