Page 16 of Turned By The Pawn

“Don’t, I get it. You can only touch me and fuck me when no one is around. Sue me for forgetting that you are the heiress and I’m the poor Yank.” He abruptly stands from the table and storms out of the room. I stare after him even when he disappears inside my room slamming the door closed behind him. I’m so fucking confused about what just happened, I thought we understood each other but from his reaction, I can tell I was wrong.

“You have no need to hide whatever,” I turn to look at Krill and can tell from just looking at him that this conversation is about to be awkward, “it is that is going on between you and Gage around us.”

“Oh and I’m just supposed to take your word for that?” I snark. I trusted Krill to some degree before but not Vor. If they think I will trust them at their word, they are mistaken.

“No,” Vor’s answer stuns me. I expected them to tell me that I could trust them and should spill all my darkest secrets. “Only a fool would trust blindly and from what I have seen, Anya, you are no fool.” His words have pride swelling in my chest. Rather than sit here and try to make small talk I go after Gage. As soon as I close the bedroom door behind myself, Gage is on me. He uses his body mass to pin me to the wall, grips the backs of my thighs and hoists me up, then kisses me until I have no other choice but to pull away and drag in lungful after lungful of air.

“Did they buy it?” he asks.

“I think so,” I breathe out. Gage’s performance earlier was planned. He said we needed to make a show of us sleeping together to see if Krill or Vor would snitch to Ivan or Vlad. It’s risky and could cost us both, but Krill and Vor would be fools to betray me when I would out them and their affiliation to the Crows to save my own ass.

“As much as I would love to fuck you senseless.” I groan at the thought, Gage is a distraction but of the best kind. “Don’t make that noise or I really will fuck you and then neither of us will get any work done before we have to leave.” The reminder of having to go back to Vlad is like a bucket of ice water being dumped on me. I wiggle out of Gage’s hold and put some much-needed distance between us. After last night it seems like the two of us can’t keep our hands off the other. I break the sexual tension in the air by asking a question that I know will kill his sex drive fornow.

“How did you know Alek was a plant?” He keeps his face blank of all emotion. I hate that he can do that and keep me in the dark of what he is thinking.

“Simple, he was too good at his job and whenever I would question how he knew things he shouldn’t have, he would blow me off and cry to Bishop that I was trying to take his job. I wasn’t the only one who thought he was a rat. Knight knew something was up with him as well.” I nod my head accepting his answer. Alek was getting sloppy the past six months. I tried to tell Ivan but all that got me was a backhand to the face.

“How did your father manage to get your cousin inside my brother’s organization?” I motion for him to take a seat on the bed, he does. I follow and sit on the other side making sure to keep a decent amount of space between us. Gage isn’t having any of that. He yanks me forward by my arm and settles me between his legs while he rests back against the wooden headboard. It takes me a few minutes before I finally relax into him, the heat of him pressed against me has me envisioning what his body is capable of and the highs it can bring me. “Focus, killer.” I clear my throat to try to disguise the fact I was thinking about him naked, again. He shakes with silent laughter behind me.

“It was simple really. Alek was always a smart kid and could blend in anywhere. But, he didn’t need to try hard. When your father was Don, he made a deal with my father for the skin trade. He would allow Alek into his fold so he could learn the ways of the mafia and in return Vlad would conduct business with Tony.”

“Wait a fucking second. Tony knew the whole time that Mav was a fucking snitch?” The anger in his tone has me tensing.


“Son of a fucking bitch!” he snarls out. I remain silent giving him time to process what he has learnt. “Why Mav? He could have sent you and promised–”

“He tried but Bishop was already promised to marry another,” I utter quietly. Gage is stiff behind me and I hate that my words have hurt him, but it’s the truth. “Vlad offered me first. Tony declined saying that Bishop was promised to wed another and Vlad being Vlad, would not settle for me marrying the spare son as he called King.”

“Jesus fucking Christ! These men sell off their fucking kids like they are nothing more than chattel. I’d never do that to my kids.” Now it’s my turn to tense, Gage notices the shift in me straightaway. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “Nothing, what else do you want to know?”

“I want to know why you just clammed up? Is it because I said I wanted kids?”

“I didn’t–”

“What did I say about lying to me, Anya?” Now that has me stiffening for a whole other reason. He trails his fingers down my arms causing goose flesh to sprout. “I want to fuck you so badly and I might if you don’t distract me right now.” I turn and peer over my shoulder, his face is so close so I tempt him by closing the small amount of space between us and kiss him. He moans the moment I push my tongue inside his mouth and grips the back of my neck keeping me in place while he devours my mouth. I’m still sore but I can feel wetness gathering between my thighs. The ache begins to build inside me. A knock sounds at the door causing us to break apart, each of us is breathless and panting.

“You both need to get out here!” Vor’s tone is filled with worry which has us both scrambling from the bed and racing out of the room. I follow the sound of the TV with Gage hot on my heels. Vor and Krill sit in the living room with their attention on the TV. I gasp at what the reporter is saying, this can’t be happening!

“What’s going on? I can’t keep up.” I begin to translate what the woman is saying for Gage.

“Alek Volkov has survived surgery and is being treated in the ICU at this moment. Locals are being warned to stay indoors and not go outside. There is a manhunt for the persons that shot alleged Bratva boss, Vladimir Volkov’s nephew. Citizens are being urged to call this number if they have any information regarding this shooting. Local police have five suspects they are trying to find. They are American and hiding in the city.” Krill shuts the TV off, the four of us stand here silently for a minute, before the shrill sound of a phone ringing has me jumping in fright. Krill pulls his phone from his pocket and answers the call. I know who it is already so I hold my hand out and wait for him to give me the phone. He shoots me a sympathetic look but I ignore it as I put the phone to my ear.


“Find thatsuka(bitch) and bring him to me!” Vlad is on a warpath, I need to give him some intel. I know it’s not what we discussed but it’s the only way to keep his suspicions off me until the time comes to finally shut him down.

“I have a lead on the American, he was spotted the night of the shooting with some of the Crows.” I can feel all their eyes on me but don’t acknowledge them. I can’t, they don’t know my father like I do. They think I will walk back in there and get away with surviving the fight, they are so fucking wrong. Vlad is going to beat the shit out of me to prove a point that I will always be less than him. I guess in a way I have been lucky, I have never been raped or molested. I just get beaten and abused. I’m used to it though. Vlad started hitting me when I was four, it went from a slap here and there to punches then to kicks and now he just breaks bones. I hate him so much because of what he took from me. He stole my one chance at happiness all for his own fucking gain!

“Find out where they are hiding him. Be back here before nightfall tomorrow.” The line goes dead. My shoulders slump as I hand Krill back his phone and turn to head back to my room. I call over my shoulder,

“We leave tomorrow. Prepare what you need to,” is all I say before disappearing inside my room. I need to prepare myself mentally, emotionally and physically for what is coming tomorrow.


Anya has holed herself up in her room and hasn’t come out for a couple hours. Krill and Vor are making the preparations they need to in order for me to remain with the Crows. I don’t relish the idea of walking into unknown territory but we are out of options. If this is the only way to end the fucking Bratva scum, then so be it! I pull the phone Vin gave me from my pocket and walk outside, the crisp afternoon air has me shivering but I can’t make this call inside the small cabin. I dial the only number in the phone and wait for them to answer. It’s no surprise to me when it’s Bishop’s voice I hear first.