Page 13 of Turned By The Pawn

“You saidhimnotus.” She cringes in my hold, which has a broad smile stretching across my face. “Lie all you want—you and I both know that you don’t want to be fighting in that cage every night.” A hurt expression clouds her eyes, I’m not trying to be a dick I’m just stating facts and she knows it. “You have a chance here, killer, to get out from under the tyrant who has ruled your life. Help us and I swearIwill make sure you come out on top.” She quirks a brow mockingly.

“On top, huh?” I roll my eyes at her.

“Smartass,” I mutter, which just brings a smile to her face. I don’t know what it is about her but somehow, she has managed to get me to care enough to not want to see any harm come to her. She turns to Bishop who is already staring at her like she is a puzzle he can’t solve.

“The only way I can get access to the information you need is by being back in the city.” I unknowingly tense beneath her, she grips my leg subtly and gives it a squeeze. “I won’t be able to make contact. I’ll find a way to feed you the information you need but you can never contact me. This won’t be easy, Vlad doesn’t share this information with anyone except Ivan and believe me, my uncle is fucking loyal to my father.”

“Get me the information I need and we’ll deal with your father and uncle.” Anya nods but Bish isn’t buying her compliance as easily. “If it comes down to it, are you willing to kill your own father?”

She doesn’t falter. “Within a heartbeat.” Bish reclines back in his seat with a look I can’t decipher on his face.

“And those two.” King nods toward Krill and Vor. “Do you trust them enough to not betray you?”

“Yes,” she answers, but the slight tremble in her voice tells me she is full of shit.

“How do you plan to get back in Vlad’s good graces?” Knight growls out.


Vin cuts Anya off. “She plans to use Gage as her way back in.” The shudder that rolls through her is the only answer I need. When she doesn’t answer straight everyone begins to grow tense. King and Knight break away and have their own private conversation. Bishop and Vin never take their gaze off her, so I do what I need to in order to get this shit sorted and moving along. I fucking hate being here in Russia and want to go home.

“I’m not going to be offered up to your prick of father just so you can–” Krill cuts me off before I can even finish. I shoot the fucker a glare.

“You won’t be returning to Vladimir, you will be taken elsewhere and kept safe.”

“And where the fuck would that be?” I grit out.

“Who the fuck is this guy?” Bishop snaps, Krill ignores Bishop as he focuses on only me.

“You will be taken to the Crows and kept there until takeover is complete.” My jaw unhinges. I peer out the corner of my eye to see Vin and my brothers with confused looks on their faces. I fill them in on who the Crows are and tell them that they want Vlad out as much as us. From the surprised look on their faces, I can tell they had no idea about them like me.

“If the Crows are causing this much trouble for the Bratva, why have we never heard about them before?” Vin asks. It shocks me when Vor answers and not Krill.

“The Crows are an underground network built up of the people of Russia. Each member has somehow been wronged or had a run in with the Bratva. Taking down Ivan and Vladimir is personal for each and every one of us. We want to see their downfall just as much, if not more, than you. Our people need to be liberated. We have lived under the rule of the Bratva for far too long and I will not allow my–I just won’t live another year under their rule.” I get exactly what Vor is saying. We all lived under Tony’s rule for far too long and were only granted freedom to choose what we wanted from our own lives when Bishop took over the family.

“The both of you are Crows.” It’s not a question, it’s a statement Vin is making. Vor and Krill both nod.

“If you want to end the Bratva and are who you say you are, why the fuck were you being a sleezy fucker to Anya in the locker room?” I grit out. Vor at least has the decency to drop his gaze in shame. Anya perks up at my question and stares at Vor questionably. She shifts on my lap to turn her whole body toward him causing me to grit my teeth, and will my dick to not get hard.

“I had to keep up appearances. From what we have seen, the Bratva men treat women like trash.” He lifts his gaze and looks at Anya with shame in his eyes. “I swear to you, I would never have laid a finger on you. I’m disgusted with myself for touching you the way I did.” Anya’s mouth pops open and her eyes widen as a knowing look takes over her face.

“You’re married,” she states, causing Vor to stiffen. “You hate the Bratva because one of them hurt your wife.” She doesn’t give him a chance to answer. “You didn’t mean yourself before when you said you wouldn’t live another year under their rule, you saidmyfirst. Which means… Oh my god!” All eyes are on her as she slowly pieces together the puzzle none of us managed to. “You have a child!” Vor’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. I cut a glance to Krill to see him trying to mask his own shock. Anya looks between the two of them and a gasp slips free. “Holy shit, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before!”

“See what?” I question. She shifts on my lap again to face me causing me to grind my teeth and not get fucking hard. I’m beginning to fail and can feel my cock hardening beneath her.

“They’re brothers.” I pull my eyes from her to see both Vor and Krill looking uncomfortable. Rucking hell, she’s right.

“Is she right?” King asks. Vor and Krill share a loaded look before Krill finally answers for them.

“Yes. We are brothers but Vor isn’t a father.” My little killer deflates slightly and pouts. I tighten my hold around her waist and pull her back against me, she doesn’t fight it. “Vor met his wife the day we rescued our sister from one of the clubs that Ivan had her working at. It took us over a year to find her.” The forlorn look in his eyes and the emotionless tone of his voice tells me this story doesn’t have a happy ending. “By the time we found her she had a new born baby. We had her back for three days before she killed herself and left the two of us to care for the baby and four other girls we rescued. It was two weeks after that when we found the Crows. Andreas helped us and in return we pledged ourselves to helping him and his cause to take the Bratva scum down!”


At the mention of Andreas, the leader of the Crows, I stiffen in Gage’s hold. Krill and Vor may have filled me in earlier about their affiliations with the Crows but I couldn’t find it within myself to tell them the truth about what happened that night we fought. I tune out the rest of their conversation as I try to work out in my head what is the best plan of action. I know Ivan will be the hardest to fool. He has been waiting for an opportunity to get me in his fucking red room of pain since I was a child. I’ve never been thankful of father until he stopped Ivan from taking me in there before I left for boarding school in the states. It wasn’t until I returned home that Vlad told me the truth about what Ivan does to girls in there. A shudder rolls through me at the thought of being caught trying to take my father down, there is no doubt in my mind he would be the one to throw me in there himself.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I startle at Gage’s whispered words. Conversation carries on around us as I peer over my shoulder at him. He smiles warmly and it stuns me, I don’t understand why he is being so… nice to me.

“How are you okay with all of this?” I say low enough only for him to hear.