Page 10 of Turned By The Pawn

Six days since the fight and still we remain banished. Vor went into town yesterday and gathered some supplies. He even managed to pick up a couple laptops and a printer so we are able to work from here while still trying to come up with a plan. Krill tells me that Vlad has men hunting for Gage around the clock. It is only a matter of time before he is found, I need to get to him first. If I fail, I have no doubt Vlad will give in and hand me over to Ivan as punishment for failing him. The thing is, I would slit my own throat before letting thatsukaever touch me again!

“Did you know?” I lift my gaze from my laptop and peer over at Krill, who is sitting on the other end of the sofa by me. He and Vor look like they haven’t slept in days. I can see that this mission is weighing on them and both of them know, if I fail, so do they and they will pay with their lives.

“Know what?” I ask.

“That the Bloodhound was at the fight and he is the one who shot Alek?” My eyes widen in surprise.

“He’s here, in Russia? Why?” Krill shakes his head before returning his attention back to his laptop. He hits a few keys then turns it toward me. Right there on the screen is the face of the Bloodhound racing down the street near where the fight was held.

“He’s either here with the American’s or they sent him to take out Alek because they discovered he was one of us.” I can’t explain it but I just know he is here with Gage which means, so are his brothers. Dread pools inside me. I lied to him. I used him and now when he comes for me to get the intel he needs to find his brother, he’ll know I’ve lied.

I open my mouth to ask Krill what happened to Alexi but his phone rings, cutting me off. Vor chooses that moment to walk in and drop into the single seater across from us, kicking up his feet to rest on the small table between us.

“Da?” Krill snaps once he answers the call and holds the phone against his ear. He tenses for a split second before turning to me, this time when he holds the phone it isn’t a look of pity on his face. He looks confused, angry, betrayed and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. He hands the phone to me and I hesitantly reach for it, I know whoever is on the phone isn’t my father or uncle. I tentatively place the phone against my ear while still holding Krill’s gaze as I answer.

“Da?” A husky laugh that fills my ear has my eyes widening.

“No call, no text, just radio silence after I give you the best orgasm of your life?” I feel the heat creeping up the back of my neck. Gritting my teeth, I try to fight the flush from finding its way to my cheeks.

“What do you want?” I’m proud that my voice doesn’t tremble. The truth is, I’m relieved he’s alive and okay. The problem though, I need to push the feelings I have toward him out of my head and remember who I am and what I have to do.

“Skipping the foreplay I see.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a calming breath. Gage is acting like a fool and it is working on my nerves.

“Get to the point of this call before I hang up.” Him calling me on Krill’s phone is a huge risk. I need to keep the bored expression on my face so neither of the two men watching me see the effect hearing his voice has on me.

“Fine. I know where you are and I want a face-to-face meet.” Gone is his carefree tone, only to be replaced by a sterndon’t fuck with metone. I dart my gaze toward the windows, thinking I will be able to catch a glimpse of him. It’s stupid, I know he would be better at hiding and I would only be able to see him if he wanted me to see him.

“That can’t happen–” He cuts me off before I can finish.

“It can and it will. You owe me and I’m here to collect. Make an excuse or whatever it is you need to tell your guards. You have forty minutes.” The line goes dead before I can even argue with him. I hand the phone back to Krill then drop my gaze to my lap. I sit here for a minute silently gathering my thoughts and thinking of what I need to say–how I have to tell them that their enemy is coming here and not get shot in the head. These two men are loyal to the Bratva. What I am about to tell them is going to either cost me my life, or to be turned over to Vlad and wish that they had just killed me. I shift nervously on the couch. I know Krill isn’t packing heat but I’m not sure about Vor. If need be, I could easily outrun them to the front door and try to lose them in the woods if this goes sideways.

“The American’s are coming–”

Vor cuts me off before I can even finish speaking.

“You need to listen to what we have to say.” The serious look on his face and the firmness of his tone has me sitting about straighter. “Let us tell you a story about theCrows.”


The fact that we are all in one car isn’t exactly ideal, the tension rolling off Bishop is making us all uneasy. Luka sent through an encrypted email alerting him to the fact that we have had some blow backs with taking over the territories. We knew it would happen but none of us expected to be out of the country when it did. Luka assures him that he has it handled and is dealing with it but Bishop being the control freak that he is hates not being there to ensure everything is running smoothly. We have a plan in place now. Knight managed to send through an email to Tony Bennett that can’t be traced. Bish may hate asking his future father-in-law for help but with the rebellion happening back home, we don’t have near enough men to go after the Bratva without Tony.

“Pull over here,” Bishop instructs King. He pulls the car off the side of the road half a mile away from the cabin Anya is in. We’re going in blind here and none of us like it, but this is where Vin’s skill set comes in handy. He will lead the hunt, with King and Knight going in second. Then Bishop and I will come in last. Each of us has our own strengths and now isn’t the time for us to measure dicks and get uptight about it. Vin goes to the trunk of the car with the rest of us following after him. All of us reach in and grab vests, guns, knives and whatever else we can get our hands on. My cock may betray me where Anya is concerned but my head won’t. I know she means well but at the end of the day, she is still Vlad’s daughter which means I can’t trust her.

“Here.” I turn to Vin and eye the earpiece in his hand. I look to my brothers to see the three of them placing one in their ears. “I’ll loop you all in once I’m positioned and deem that it’s clear.” I nod, take the ear bud and place it in my ear. Vin takes off through the woods without another word, leaving the four of us here in awkward silence.

“Did you fuck her?” Well, the awkward silence didn’t last long enough. I turn to Bishop, his eyes search for an answer without me having to speak. Tension is always present when he and I are together, he can’t let go of the fact that I slept with Kiara. I feel like shit about it but the truth is, she needed me and I would do it again because I love her. I thought she and I would end up together. But the first time I saw her and Bishop together, I knew she would never be mine because she was always his. It hurt for a long time seeing them together, now though, all I feel is happiness for them both. Bishop has brought Kiara back to life and she has given my brother something to fight for. He always fought for our family but now, he fights twice as hard because of her.

“Would it make you feel better if I say yes?” I deadpan, keeping a serious look on my face. Bishop’s eye narrow, he takes a step forward but Knight snakes an arm out stopping his movement.

“Don’t start this shit, we have bigger problems to deal with instead of your hurt ego.” I bite down on my bottom lip to stop my smile from breaking free at Knight’s words. Not one to be deterred though, Bishop asks again.

“Are you fucking the Russian?” I hold his gaze as I answer.

“No, I’m not.” His shoulders relax slightly. King steps up beside Bishop and runs his gaze over me. He is calculating and it makes me feel uneasy, almost like he can see through my half-truth.

“You’re not fucking her but you are doingsomethingwith her.” There it is, trust King to be the one to put it together. I debate lying but decide to just go with the truth, they are going to figure it out when they’re in the same room with me and her. The sexual tension between me and Anya is thick and you would have to be blind not to feel it.

“Yeah, I am.” Bish opens his mouth to tear me a new one but I quickly push on. “I needed to gain her trust and I did. I got into her father’s office and bugged it. I even managed to lay a bug in the locker room and slip one in Alexi’s pocket before the fight.” King and Bishop both look surprised by this news. Knight, on the other hand, just nods his head in respect.