Page 5 of Halo

“Enough to get her past two o’clock? Because y’all think y’all are slick, only bringing her in with a few hours worth so that you can come to get her before everyone else leaves.”

“We miss her as soon as she’s out of the door.”

“I understand, but she loves being with us. She’s probably bored out of her mind at the house watching you two with hearts in your eyes looking at each other. Being with the other children is great for her. I’d blame it on how fast she’s moving but that would probably be a lie. She’s getting out of the way for the one you’re carrying.”

“I know. She just won’t slow down. She’s been trying to stand up. Have you seen it?”

“Give her another week or so and she will be standing.”

“I’m not ready.”

“Trust me, I know you aren’t. Before you know it, she’ll be out of diapers and putting on lip gloss like that Essence. That girl loves her some lip gloss.”

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, she’s putting on another coat every time I see her,” I chuckled, “Emoree is just as bad.”

“It’s the hair with her, honey. She brushes it so much I’m scared she’s going to brush those blonde curls right on out.”

“Awww. I can’t wait until Lailah gets obsessed with herself like they are.”

“It’ll be her skin. Watch what I tell you. You won’t be able to keep beauty products out of her room. That skin is so chocolate and so pretty. She’s going to love fooling around with it.”

“I do, too,” I admitted. “I feel like I buy more skincare than I actually need. And, Baisleigh put me onto a new system, too.”

“Yeah, she’s got us all on the same one. And, she makes sure we’re using it, too.”

“She even bought a set for Kamber’s birthday present. She FaceTimes her often in the morning to make sure she’s in line. I told her she might want to switch from tea to skincare, but she refuses.”

“She’s not giving up her dreams of a tea company. If she keeps dragging her foot, Laike is going to make it come true himself. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already started.”

“He has. He found a building,” I revealed, “At least Ledge said he thinks he has. He’s going to call me when it’s time to furnish the place.”

“See, you’re going to be needing those extra hours with Lailah gone. Tell Ledge I can start dropping her off. Hell, I drop everybody else off.”

“We really like dropping her off and picking her up. A lot.”

“Alright. I won’t push too much. When you’re ready, just let me know.”

“Okay. I have an appointment this morning, so I’m going to head there before I’m late. I’d peek in on the children but I’m running a bit behind.”

“Alright. Say see you later, Mommy,” she told Lailah who was paying us no attention. She was busy looking at the pictures on the walls that were full of colors.

“See you later, pretty baby,” I whispered, kissing her cheek before disappearing.

* * *

Istepped inside the neatly decorated room that held my deepest, darkest secrets. It also held pieces and parts of my healing that no other place could claim. As beautiful as the space was, it was just as intimidating. I didn’t know what it would leave me with or burden me with on my way out of the door, but somehow I was ready for whatever. My children depended on it and so did the man who held my heart and happiness in his hands.

“Good morning, Halo. Don’t you look cute,” Kirklynn greeted.

“Thank you.” I pushed my hair behind my ear.

In the heart of July, I wore a linen dress with pin-stripped sandals. My hair hung down my back. The babies had been a source of growth for each and every strand. Two days earlier, I’d taken down braids that were begging to be released from the chokehold I had them in. though it always felt good seeing my natural hair, it was too much to handle for the most part. Within a week, I’d be trying a new style myself or allowing Ledge to hire someone to come to our home like he’d been asking.

“How does that make you feel?”


“I think you heard me, Halo. I said how does that make you feel… receiving compliments?”