Page 13 of Halo

“Umm hmmm.”


I stood from the couch and placed the small tub I’d ordered through the delivery service on the table beside me. Without hesitation, I removed the box from Kamber’s perfectly-manicured hands. Her nails were always so beautiful. So was she.

When I made it to the bathroom, the dress that I wore made it easy to follow the instructions I’d read on the way inside. It seemed easy enough. According to the paragraph that was well-written, I only needed a small amount of urine at the end where the cap was removable.

Maybe I’ll get vanilla, I thought as I pulled my panties down and stuck the stick between my legs before sitting on the toilet.Homemade. Or French?The trail of urine hit the water immediately after beginning, but I was sure to cover the tip of the test before placing it on the counter with the cap attached.

No. I’ll take chocolate.I haven’t had that in so long. Not since a teenager. I cleaned my hands as my mouth watered thinking about the ice cream I’d yet to finish in the living room. When I opened the door to make my way to it, Kamber was standing right behind it.

“GOD!” I flinched, “You scared me.”

I thought I’d have to catch my heart mid-air. It was trying so hard to flee from my chest.

“Sorry,” she cringed, regret on her pretty face.

“It’s okay. I just… I,” I stuttered. Words failed me.

“I know. I’m sorry. You don’t have to explain.”

“Thanks.” My shoulders hung low as I made a quick detour. All I wanted to do was get back to my ice cream.

Just as I sat down and placed my fingers around the tub, Kamber came running out of the bathroom.

“I knew it! I fucking knew it!”

“Knew what, Kamber?” Calmly, I asked, baffled as to why she was screaming and on the verge of increasing my anxiety.

“We’re pregnant!” She danced in the middle of my floor, making me sick to my stomach at the sight of her excitement.

“Preg– pregnant?” I stuttered, the weight of one hundred oak trees piling on me at once.

She extended an arm to show me the test I hadn’t even noticed in her hand.

“Might as well get ready to get some more of that dick, honey. Bitc— uh… women. Women love fucking their baby daddies.”

“Hush, Kamber. This isn’t funny,” I huffed, staring simultaneously at the pregnancy test through burning orbs that welled with fear and tears.


Got to get her back…

There wasn’t anywhere else I’d rather be than beside her and the fact that I wasn’t was killing me. As I paced the condo with my heart on my sleeve, I contemplated my next move.

I got to get her back. And, I wasn’t thinking about a week or so. I needed Halo like yesterday. My phone vibrated in my hand. Quickly, I lifted it to read the name on the screen. When I realized it wasn’t Halo’s, my blood began to boil. I quickly silenced it without a second thought.

“Fuck.” I groaned when it started to ring again. This time, I didn’t ignore the caller because I knew they’d only call again.

“Yeah?” I answered for Luca.

“You sound stressed, my nigga.”

“Because I am. I miss Halo,” I breathed, “And, I want some pussy. Her shit, though. Not nobody else’s.”

“Nigga, I know. I got a wife. I know the feeling. Once them walls milk your shit, you stop desiring any and every thing else.”

“Exactly and she tripping on a nigga.”