Page 12 of Ever

“Yes,” Luca said without thinking twice.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

She jumped up and down, bringing a smile to my face. Luca leaned over and kissed my moist lips before wiping the tears from my face.

“I love you,” he said to me.

“Thank you,” I replied. “Thank you.”


“How are you feeling?”Laura asked as soon as I stepped into the building with a sleeping Lucas in one hand and a very tired Elle in the other.

It had been two weeks since we’d been back, and adjusting was a lot. When I had Lucas I dropped off the face of the earth. It was Luca who’d adapted to life with four little ones under the age of ten while I drowned in my sorrows. However, since the much-needed vacation, we’d taken, I was more than happy to resume the role of their full-time caregiver with the assistance of my husband.

Today was the first day that I stepped foot outside. I’d been inside, admiring the beauty of our home and exploring the little minds of our children. I was submerged in love and didn’t want to lift my head or resurface. If I didn’t think I’d have another mental breakdown, I would’ve stayed inside with my children and husband for the rest of my days. But, we all knew that we had to come up for air sooner or later. Now, we were here.

“I’m better,” I admitted.

Was I at my best? Probably not, but I was far from the woman I was a few weeks ago. I didn’t even know who she was. While I still didn’t recognize myself, it wasn’t for the same reason that I hadn’t weeks ago. This time, I was simply trying to get acquainted with the newer version of myself, the mother of five with a thriving bakery and amazing marriage. She was someone that I was desperately trying to meet and maybe have a sit down with because she mattered most to my future.

“That’s so good to hear. You look good and well-fed,” she joked.

“Luca is making sure I’m stuffed every day and every night. I’ve tried more new foods in the last couple of weeks than I have my entire life but I’m not complaining.”

“I know that’s right. Here, let me get him while you go lay her in my office.”

She was part of the reason the children were so spoiled. Mama Eisenberg’s day job consisted of carrying our babies around everywhere she went in the daycare. Now that Emorey was in pre-k, it was only Elle and Lucas. Up until the day that we went on vacation, it was only Elle. Lucas was home with us. But, now that he was part of the daycare clan, I could count on her spoiling him rotten, too. It was inevitable.

“You’re going to spoil the poor thing,” I warned.

“And? That sounds like my problem, not yours since I plan on having him during business hours while you and Luca do whatever you do.”

“We work,” I chuckled.

“That’s not what that belly says every few months,” she scoffed.

“I can admit that we make a lot of babies, but that’s just to keep you in business. Aren’t you grateful to have someone to keep you company in that big office of yours?”

We headed in that direction. She was now holding Lucas while I kept Elle attached to my hip.

“Ummm hmmm.”

“We’re just trying to keep the last name alive. Lyric can’t do it and Laike won’t do it. We’re your only hope.”

“You kind of have a point there,” she tittered, “That boy won’t even give me a damn dog if I asked him. Lord, where did I go wrong with that child.”

“Somehow, he remains your favorite,” I reminded her as I sat Elle on the large bean bag so that she could rest if she wanted. She was a little tired when I woke her this morning.


“And, you shouldn’t be worried about a dog. We got you one of those, too.”

“You two are the gifts that just keep on giving, huh?” She asked, sarcastically.

“It’s why you love us so much.”

“Bye. Get out of here and go enjoy your day. I’ll see you later when I drop them off.”