Page 91 of Demons and Darlings

Alek had been using me this entire time.

“And this has been his plan all along. What a tricky bastard.”

“It’s a well-thought-out plan, Blade,” Salem argued. “He even had special invitations made a couple of months ago to ensure Lyra would show up at the bar. He has this under control.”

My breath hitched. Questions flooded my brain, making it hard to think. To breathe.

All of it was fake. Every kiss. Every touch. Every date. It was all a way to find out my deepest secret. Even showing up at the bar with Natalie that first night had been planned out, yet another way to sink his teeth in deeper.

Well fucking played, Alekzander Black. Well fucking played.

I pushed myself away from the wall, ready to run until I forgot about this horrible, wicked place. But my foot caught on the floor mat below me and my shoe scuffed the concrete.

Loud enough to give away my presence.

“Who’s out there?” Blade hissed.

I cursed under my breath. There was nowhere I could hide. I wouldn’t be fast enough to get away from them. Because at the end of the day, they were big, bad demons. And I was nothing. I was nobody.

Before I could run, Blade was out the door with a predatory grip on my upper arm. “How convenient,” Blade started. “We were just discussing something important you may be able to help us with.”

I clenched my jaw to keep from crying out in panic.

Blade dragged me inside without letting go of my arm. Salem immediately jumped from her seat at the bar table. “Let her go, Blade!” she yelled.

“What’s the point? She just heard everything we were saying. We might as well get the truth from her right here, right now.”

Kylar growled. “Your little boyfriend might be wanting to protect you,” he hissed, “but not all of us can afford to wait for you to spread your pretty little legs and pour your secrets out to him.”

My face heated.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” I breathed. No, none of this was true. Alek had no idea. He would find them here and he would kill them for this.


“Tell us how to bring Wrath back,” Kylar growled.

I felt my palms bleed from the sharp slicing of my fingernails in clenched fists. I wasn’t going to cry in front of them. Not now. Not ever.

“That’s not possible,” I said through gritted teeth.

Kylar’s brows raised. “And how do you know that?”

Shit. I should have kept my mouth shut.

But they were idiots if they thought I was going to tell them anything more.

“Give up,” Kylar hissed. “We all know you’re the secret to opening the veil.”


“No,” I stammered. “That’s not true. Nobody knows about that, and you’re all wrong.”

“Let her go!” Salem yelled again. “Alek will kill you for this!” I couldn’t look at her. She knew, too. She knew this entire time.

“Alek knows. In fact, this entire fake-dating scheme was a way to get closer to you. To find out exactly how to open that veil your mother is so adamant on protecting.”

My chest tightened.He’s lying. He’s lying. That’s not true.