Page 84 of Demons and Darlings

Twenty minutes later, Alek pulled the car directly up to a private plane. “Is this for us?” I exclaimed. He threw the car in park.

“Let’s go find out,” he said with a wicked grin. I followed him out of the car. He grabbed my duffel bag and a bag of his own before walking toward the small plane. “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

“I have no idea!” My mind swarmed. Where were we going? Why was he doing this? Was this just him upholding his part of the deal, or was this part of his grand apology?

He nodded to an older man that stood next to the ladder and began walking onto the plane. I followed him, trying not to look completely dumbfounded at everything.

The interior was small yet luxurious, with a few white leather couches.

“The Night Ravens keep a private pilot around in case we have an emergency.”

Fear flashed through me. “Is this an emergency?”

Alek dropped our duffels and relaxed into the long leather seat. “Not at all,” he said. “But part of the perks of being the demon prince is having the private jet available to me.”

“Sounds convenient.”

“It is.”

I stood awkwardly in the middle of the plane. “You better sit down before we take off. I’m not responsible for your injuries on this aircraft.”

I sat next to him, making sure to put plenty of distance between us on the leather couch.

The plane began rolling slowly. I turned my body and stared out the window. We began moving faster and faster and faster until the weight of gravity on my body became so heavy, I nearly laughed.

And then we were in the air.

“I would stop looking out there if I were you,” Alek said.

“Why?” We began rising, and we quickly cascaded over the tall buildings of the city below us. A wave of nausea hit me.

“Because you’re afraid of heights,” Alek said with amusement in his voice.

“Right.” I quickly turned around and focused on anything besides how high we were flying.

“Do I get to know where we’re heading yet?” I asked.

Alek stared at me. He had stretched his legs out in front of him and extended both arms on the back of the leather seats next to him. How could anyone possibly be this relaxed in a moving, flying object?

“I guess I could give you a hint,” he started. He didn’t take his eyes off me.

I wanted to squirm under his attention, but after all the time we had spent together, I decided to step up. To be confident. I stared right back at him, even letting my eyes flicker down to his lips. His chest. His relaxed body.

When my eyes returned to his, he was smiling.

“Don’t tell me you’re whisking me away to my final destination,” I said. “Finally ready to get rid of me?”

He rolled his head back and laughed slowly. “I’m not ready to let you go just yet,” he started. “And after the last couple of weeks, I’m afraid I’ve been slacking on my part of the deal.”

“What does that mean?”

“That means we’re doing something extravagant. We’re going to Paris.”

I stared at him a second longer, unsure if I heard him correctly. “Did you just sayParis?”

He nodded smugly. My heart immediately began racing in my chest. I had dreamt of leaving the city. I used to fantasize about getting far, far away from this place.

And with Alek, I was actually doing it.