Page 75 of Demons and Darlings

And I didn’t hate it.

Natalie and I got ready for the night faster than usual. We were both excited to go out this time, which was rare. Typically, we wasted at least an hour with Natalie trying to convince me to go out with her.

We were well past that point.

Salem waited for us outside the bar. “Lyra!” she squealed when we saw her. “I’m so happy you came!” She yanked me into a tight hug.

“I’m happy we came too,” I replied, pulling back with a grin. I nodded to my friend. “This is Natalie. Natalie, this is Salem. Alek’s sister.”

Natalie extended her hand. “So, the mysterious Alek has a sister? That makes him far less mysterious in my mind.”

Salem shook her hand. “After all the stories you’ll hear from me tonight, he won’t be mysterious at all.”

We all laughed. A pure sense of joy filled my chest, a feeling that was foreign to me.

And the night had just begun.

Salem saved a booth for us in the back of the bar. Right across from the stage. “We’ve got a few minutes before the band starts,” she explained. “But drinks are on me tonight, so let’s get this night started, shall we, ladies?”

Natalie slid into the booth. “Salem, I think we’re going to be best friends.”

I knew the two of them would get along. I had hardly interacted with Salem, but she had an energy that instantly made anyone feel comfortable.

Nat had the same energy. It was part of the reason we had stayed close over the years.

That, and the fact that she knew my greatest secret.

“So, Lyra,” Salem started, “I heard my idiot brother almost got you into some shit during a mission the other day.”

I rolled my eyes, trying not to remember the way his mouth felt on my neck. “You could say that.”

“I have to say, I don't think Alek’s ever taken a girl on an interception. You must be pretty badass if he trusts you to tag along.”


“After the way I almost blew our cover, I doubt he’ll be inviting me on more.”

“Please!” Natalie chimed in. “That man is head over heels for you. He’ll be inviting you everywhere, Lyra. You just wait.”

Salem nodded thoughtfully. “It’s true. He seemed… less douchey lately. I believe we have you to thank for that.”

She raised her glass, and we all clinked ours together.

“Cheers!” she announced. “To young love!”

“Oh whatever!” I interrupted. “This is just part of that stupid deal. As soon as he’s done using me to repair his image, I’ll never see him again.”

Salam and Natalie made eye contact before Natalie said, “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

We spent the next hour drinking, gossiping, and listening to Salem’s crazy drunk stories about the demon bar before the band finally made their way onto the stage.

“Have you ever seen live music?” Natalie whispered to me.

I shook my head. I had hardly even left my apartment, let alone to attend a concert.

“Buckle up,” she continued. “You’re about to have the best night of your life.”

As soon as she finished talking, the sound of music boomed through the air. First a guitar, then drums. Soon after, the singer took the stage. I had never heard anything like it.