I opened my mouth to object but stopped myself.

“Besides,” Alek added, “nights like these are nothing compared to what I can show you. It’s clear you’re new to having fun like this. If you agree to help me, I’ll do you a favor and take you out. I’ll show you everything you’ve been missing.”

I couldn't believe I was actually considering it. Alek had found me at the perfect time, though, because I had just experienced the best night of my entire life. My heart was still racing, either from the adrenaline of dancing or from the thrill of Alek standing so close to me.

I swallowed.

“She can’t know,” I repeated. “My mother must never find out about any of this.”

“Easy,” Alek answered with a shrug.

“And you’ll show me more of this?” I waved at the bar. “You’ll show me what it’s like?”

“I’ll show you the world, Lyra Sol,” he whispered sarcastically. But I felt the underlying truth in his words, even beneath the smirk that curved his lips.

The smile on my face gave it away. This was everything I had been searching for, and Alek only needed me to help him get his father off his back.

Alek leaned even closer, as if that were possible. “Deals with demons are sealed with a kiss,” he whispered. “Kiss me, and change your entire life as you know it.”

I froze. I wanted this. I wanted this so badly. Alek was right here, offering me the world on a platter.

Kiss him,that voice whispered to me.Kiss him and experience more nights like this.

I had never kissed anyone before. It should have seemed dangerous to me, but it didn’t. My heart rate sped up as I leaned in—just an inch.

Alek’s eyes scanned my face. His hand fell to my hip.

Kiss him and live.

“Is this a good idea?” I whispered.

“Don’t worry about good or bad. What do you want right here at this moment? What does your heart tell you?”

I closed the distance between us with a single movement and I pressed my lips softly against his.

Aside from his hand on my hip, he didn’t move. I had no idea how to kiss a man, let alone a demon.

But this kiss was nothing other than transactional. The flicker of heat I felt from his lips against mine lasted only a second. Alek barely kissed me back before pulling away.

That didn’t stop my heart from nearly exploding. Nerves erupted through my body, even though I tried to force them down.

My first kiss. And it was withhim.

“The ball tomorrow starts at eight,” he said. “Meet me here. I’ll have my assistant send you something to wear.”

“That’s it?” I asked. “We’re actually doing this?”

A wicked smile grew on his face. “Oh, we’re doing this, sweetheart.”

He walked away, leaving me alone at the bar and completely disheveled.

What the hell just happened?

“Who was that guy?” Natalie asked as she elbowed her way over to me. “He was totally into you!”

“Alekzander Black,” I answered, ignoring her second comment. “I agreed to be his date to some event tomorrow night.”

Natalie’s jaw dropped. She put a dramatic hand over her chest as she asked, “What are you, and what have you done with my best friend?”