Page 54 of Demons and Darlings

When my eyes landed on an actual face forming in the fire, I could have sworn I was hallucinating. I blinked twice, but when I opened my eyes again, the face was still there.

One of the demons talked into the fire.

And to my surprise, the face in the fire talked back.

They spoke in the same, foreign language, all drowned out by the chanting that still continued around us.

“What is that?” I whispered to Alek.

His entire body had tensed, even his hand was stiff in mine. This made him uncomfortable. “Like I said earlier,” he started, “the veil is thin tonight. Sometimes we can communicate with our ancestors who have passed, who have crossed to the other side.”

“You mean… you’re talking to the dead?” That was impossible… wasn’t it? There was no way Alek’s pack of demons could speak to the dead. There was no way they could communicate over the veil.

Alek’s jaw tightened. “In a way, yes.”

I returned my focus to the fire. “What are they saying?”

Alek listened for a few moments further before explaining, “They’re talking about history. And our pack’s plans.”

“Plans for what?” I asked.

Alek looked at me but didn’t answer. He knew something and wasn’t telling me.

I was about to demand that he answer me when someone in the crowd screamed.

The fire grew larger, spitting flames into the air and causing the crowd to panic.

Alek yelled something to me that I couldn’t understand before he was pulled into the crowd by both arms. He began yelling in the same, foreign language.

In the back of the crowd, I stayed put. I don’t think my limbs would have moved if I tried. Terror and adrenaline and excitement all rushed through me. What I was witnessing shouldn’t be possible. None of this should be possible.

The veil was impenetrable. That was what my mother had taught me.

But now I wasn’t so sure.

Footsteps approached from behind me. Rough hands grabbed me by the arms, and something was thrown over my head, smothering my vision.

I tried to scream, but my voice was quickly drowned out by the ongoing chaos of the crowd.

No, no, no.This couldn’t be happening.

“You’re coming with us,” a voice hissed close to my ear.Blade and Kylar. It had to be them.

I struggled against the tight grip, but it was no use. The hands lifted me off my feet and began carrying me toward the water, away from the crowd.

And away from Alek.



“Not so tough without your boyfriend to protect you, huh?”

I could tell from the rocking and the sound of water that we were on a boat. Panic began taking over my senses, one by one. They were going to kill me.

I never learned to swim.

“Let me go!” I yelled. That only resulted in a fit of laughter from my anonymous companions. Kylar and Blade’s voices were easy enough to identify, but we weren’t alone. “He’ll kill you for this!”